Complacency is the Kiss of Death, Stop Saying This – or Pucker Up!

Apr 2018


There are words or phrases that we all hate.

I am sure there is a phrase out there that you simply cannot stand.

For me, the phrase I cannot stand the most is directly related to complacency; and it is something I hear frequently when I am at the gym.

However, I have also heard people say it with respect to other things.

I need to be honest, when I hear this phrase it’s like nails on a chalkboard.

What is this phrase you ask?

The phrase is…’I’m just trying to maintain’

Maybe it is the overachiever in me…

Perhaps it is the meathead in me…

It could be my personality…

Odds are it is a combination of all three.

‘I’m just trying to maintain’ sounds a lot like ‘I’m just trying to stay the same’ or ‘I’m good enough’ or ‘getting better seems difficult, I’ll pass’.

Don’t Get Me Wrong…

There are areas of our lives where ‘just trying to maintain’ is perfectly acceptable, such as:

Your car – You need to maintain it, so it doesn’t break down on the way to your “appointment” with your paramour.

A positive attitude – No one likes to be around a sourpuss who always acts like someone peed in their cornflakes earlier that day. Although, I suppose if your attitude sucks you can improve it, but once you have a positive attitude you simply need to maintain it.

Your home – If you don’t maintain it you may end up spending more money down the line. However, at a certain point, you may consider a home improvement.

An erection – This is something that you definitely need to maintain.

There are many other examples where “maintaining” fits, but to me, the gym is not one of those places.

What Complacency Has Done to Some Big Businesses

We will pause this regularly scheduled entertaining and actionable self-improvement post for a minute and shift gears to the business world.  Let’s look at some companies you may be familiar with and what had happened to them by practicing complacency and “just maintaining” their businesses:

Exhibit #1 – Blockbuster Video – Closed the last of its stores in 2013

Which is kinda good because “Blockbuster and Chill” just doesn’t have the same ring to it as “Netflix and Chill”.

Exhibit #2 – Kodak’s Film Based Business– Filed for bankruptcy in 2012 – Trying to Make A Comeback

It’s probably for the best as it’s hard to imagine taking a selfie with a film-based camera anyways…

Exhibit #3 – Tower Records – who?

Wait, what the hell is a record?

What does each of these companies have in common?

They all ended up going out of business.

Why? Because complacency got them, they got comfortable, they neglected to adapt, and they lost their edge. They “just maintained” and they suffered the consequences.

Replace ‘Just Trying to Maintain’ With These Words…

The same thing can happen to you, but don’t let it.

Are there areas in your life where you “just maintain” and complacency rears its ugly head?

At work?

In your relationship with your significant other?

With respect to learning?

At the gym?

You may want to reconsider “just trying to maintain” for the following reasons:

It’s a lot more exciting and fun to improve yourself, and it’s motivating too. If you haven’t seen Howie’s video on motivating yourself and others, check it out! Going through the motions and staying the same is boring and un-motivating.

  How you act in one area of your life is probably how you are going to act in other areas of your life. So, if you are “just maintaining” in the gym, you are probably “just maintaining” in your relationships, at work and in other areas of your life.  Do you want to be in a relationship with someone who is “just maintaining”?  Do you want to have an employee who is “just maintaining”?

To conclude, make sure you keep getting those oil changes to maintain your car.  Be grateful every day for what you have in order to maintain that positive attitude. Change those A/C filters every month, polish your wood furniture periodically, and power wash that siding to maintain your home.

Finally, by-all-means, do whatever you need to do to maintain that erection!

But the next time you catch yourself uttering the words “I’m just trying to maintain” in an area of your life where you could be improving, STOP!

Think of Prime Your Pump and think of this post.

Then replace the phrase “I’m just trying to maintain” with this one: “I’m trying to improve”.

Thanks for reading and as always, PYMFP!

Use It or Lose It!

  Always be trying to improve in every area of your life.
  None of us is perfect at anything, so figure out what you can improve, come up with a plan and then do it!
  To use this piece of advice, replace the words “I’m just trying to maintain” with “I’m trying to improve”.

When to Use It

  When you are in an area of your life where there is room for improvement.

What Do You Think?

  Are there areas of your life where you find yourself “just trying to maintain” where you should be “trying to improve”?


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