Why You Need to Stop Overreacting to Random Noise in Your Life!

Apr 2018

Today’s lesson is about random noise.  Most of the ups and downs of your life are just random noise.

The main takeaway is not to overreact to random noise in your life!

Here are a couple of examples:

Fluctuations in your daily weight are due to random noise 

Fluctuations in your weight happen every day, sometimes you are up and sometimes you are down.  It could be for a variety of reasons –  you did not take a dump, you drank a lot of water, you ate salty food the previous day.  The actionable message is not to overreact to random noise!

Fluctuations in your daily mood

Fluctuations in your daily mood happen all the time, sometimes you are up and sometimes you are down.  Sometimes you feel good, sometimes you don’t.  You don’t want to overreact to this random noise.  50% of the time you will be in an above average mood, 50% of the time you will be below.  Understand your mood will vary from day-to-day.

So, stop overreacting to the random noise in your life!

Use It or Lose It:

To stop overreacting, you either need to just ignore whatever it is that you are reacting to because it is random noise; or if it is a persistent problem you need to figure out a way to correct it.

When to Stop Overreacting to Random Noise:

When you find yourself overreacting to things that happen frequently in your life.

What Do You Think?

Can you think of any other examples of overreacting to random noise in your life? Please add them in the comments section below!


Until next time, behave and Prime Your Pump!


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