What You Need to Know About Cooperation and Competition!

May 2018

Today’s video is about competition vs. cooperation.

If winning is your objective, then competition is the way to go.

However, if solving a problem or improving is your objective, then cooperation is the way to go.

After watching the video, you now see how competition can prevent improvement.  So, the next time you are in a situation where you can either compete or cooperate, consider cooperation!

Use It or Lose It:

  When you feel the desire to compete, consider cooperating.

  Also, remember playing does not always involve competition.  Just think about the story of improving your backhand in tennis.

When to Use Howie’s Advice on Cooperation vs. Competition:

  When you have the desire to compete even though the objective is not winning.

What Do You Think?

  Can you think of a time when you competed and cooperation would have yielded better results.  Please let us know in the comments below.

Thanks for watching, keep behaving and until next time…Prime Your Pump!


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One Reply to “What You Need to Know About Cooperation and Competition!”

  1. Great video Howie. I don’t particularly like competition, as it generates into a Me vs. You or an Us vs. Them. That’s probably why I had absolutely no desire to participate in organized sports at any level. Pickup games of football or stickball in the street or in the projects are completely different, whether you win or lose, the next day nobody cares or even remembers – so there are no hard feelings or desire for revenge. I also don’t like arguing with my SO, nor does she with me. But she’s the one who says “cut this crap out” to cool me off.

    In my younger days on the Bronx streets I clearly remember one bit of cooperation. Nearly everybody, both boys and girls, played a game using a Spaldeen called Captain – its a derivative of handball, but with more players, plus each player must defend a defined space that was delineated by sidewalk cracks. I played fairly well, but…….. A guy named George on the next block was the best in the neighborhood, however he possessed a natural advantage – he was left handed. The ball spins and cuts differently when a left handed player hits it. So I asked George – “teach me to play left handed”. And he did. I shared with him some right-handed tips. George still beat me when we played one-on-one against each other, but the point differential really narrowed, as I could sometimes anticipate where he would hit the ball and how it would react after bouncing, plus could now play with either hand. George and I remained friends until I moved out of state.

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