This is What to Do When You Screwed Up!

Nov 2018

This week’s video is about how to minimize the damage when you screwed up!

In my opinion…

the optimal way to minimize the damage when you screwed up is NOT to cover up the mistake in the first place.

The shorter the amount of time between a screw up and a confession, the less damage the screw up will cause.

I believe this is the case because screw ups usually get compounded very quickly. The more compounded the screw up becomes, the more serious the damage it will cause.

In manufacturing for each step in a process away from where a mistake is made, the cost of the mistake goes up ten-fold.

Personally, if I screw up, I confess immediately.

You have to consider the long-term effect of not confessing to a screw up. It can destroy honesty and trust in a relationship. Trust takes a lifetime to build and can be destroyed in a moment of indiscretion.

Are there exceptions to my rule? I suppose so, some things are not easily resolved. But I am speaking of the run of the mill screw ups for which you actually feel remorse and know you will give your best efforts to never do it again.

Use It or Lose It – What to Do When You Screwed Up

(1)  Ask for forgiveness as soon as you can after the screw up.

(2)  Take a deep breath and give your self a moment to reflect on the screw up.

(3)  Make a plan to stop the screw up from reoccurring.

When to Use It:

When you screw up in your life.

What Do You Think?

How do you handle screw ups in your life?  Would the advice above work for you in certain situations? Please share your thoughts in the comments below

Until next time, behave and as always…Prime Your Pump!

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One Reply to “This is What to Do When You Screwed Up!”

  1. We agree with admitting screw ups to prevent further damage downstream, but one thing bothered us both. Seems better to admit you uck-fupped to your student when she came to class the next day. Why confess to your wife? She had no part in the situation, not even as an innocent bystander.
    Ok, so you fell victim to a horrible commute. These days, that’s the norm rather than the exception. Your student probably also experienced a terrible commute. Commiserate with her over that subject, and perhaps build a bond between the two of you.
    Out here on the left coast, if you give the Italian Salute while driving, the reply might be three shots from a 9 millimeter. With the AC on and the radio cranked up, go ahead and scream at the offender, insult their parentage, make reference to their sexual preference for animals – you will only be in trouble if the offender can read lips. After verbally venting, you will feel better.
    Are we missing the point?

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