Things to Consider When Standing Out from the Crowd!

Dec 2018

This week’s video is about standing out from the crowd.

There have been times in my life when standing out from the crowd worked in my favor and times when it did not. I will share stories from both!

Use It or Lose It – Standing Out From the Crowd

Before you take an action to stand out think about if it is worth the price; is the juice worth the squeeze.

When to Use It:

Before you take an action that could be risky because it is different or non-conventional.

What Do You Think?

Do you have any personal examples when standing out in a crowd either worked for or against you? Please share in the comments below!

Until next time, behave and as always…Prime Your Pump!

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One Reply to “Things to Consider When Standing Out from the Crowd!”

  1. I have literally stood out in the crowd for my entire life, as I am taller than 95% of my peers. Height to me always been an advantage, never a disadvantage. Even today, I enjoy being able to look over the heads of other people in crowds.

    In class, making a complete fool of yourself by giving a totally irrelevant, often humorous, answer to a teacher’s question sure makes you stand out, as everyone else is laughing their ass off. Been there, done that, sometimes on purpose when the class is especially boring.

    On a positive note, I am considered the expert or “go to guy” on the subject of post office operations in conjunction with Expositions and World’s Fairs. I began studying this subject in 1971, and in 2007 copyrighted and self published the definitive reference book. I sell it on a CD, because a print version would be over 800 pages. After 11 years, I am receiving orders. Not as impressive as your record as an author, but I’m pleased with my effort.

    Have a great weekend Howie. We are setting here waiting for a mother of a storm to hit the area. Sky turned gray and wind has picked up.

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