This is How to Zone Out!

Feb 2019

This week’s video is my opinion about the importance of taking time every day to zone out.

I will discuss some of the benefits and some of the potential pitfalls of zoning out, and finally a few ways for “how to zone out”.

According to the Cambridge dictionary: zoning out occurs when you stop paying attention and not hearing or seeing what is around you for a short period of time.

To me, zoning out is the act of getting away from your crazy life by finding a few safe moments of peace or creativity.

Zoning out is like sex; you must only do it under safe condition. For example, don’t have sex or zone out while operating heavy equipment.

Benefits of Zoning Out

In my opinion, some of the benefits of zoning out are that it can:

  Help you solve problems by putting you in a safe place where your mind can wander and be creative.

  Rid you of being bored; just be careful when you do it.

  Put you in a peaceful and safe place where you have no worries; you are in the zone!

{and} Get you in the zone for peace or to be creative; to name a few benefits.

Pitfalls of Zoning Out

Again, in my opinion, there are a few pitfalls you may want to watch out for, you:

Find yourself not involved in your life when you are zoned out.

  Get so bored that you zone out and get caught red handed by your boss, partner, or someone else who matters.

  Get so used to zoning out that it negatively affects your life!

And Now – How to Zone Out

  Daydreaming is a great way to zone out. It is best if you daydream about something that can help your life get better. However, it is also okay to daydream as a vacation from reality; just don’t abuse the process.

  Personally, I have a fire pit. When I sit and watch the fire I automatically zone out. What is your fire pit?

  Sometimes, when you zone out your brain starts to randomly connect different thoughts and you may come up with an “aha” moment; a moment of clarity.

Use It or Lose It:

Put yourself in a setting where zoning out is very likely to happen. For me, it is the fire pit.

Don’t start zoning out in situations where it is inappropriate; in class, in a meeting, to name a few.

When to Use It:

When you are bored or want to be creative.

Again, remember, don’t zone out in an unsafe environment.

What Do You Think?

Please let us know how and when you zone out in the space provided below.

Until next time, behave and as always…Prime Your Pump!

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One Reply to “This is How to Zone Out!”

  1. Hi Howie – getting caught up on emails and blogs following a quick jaunt down to your state – not Miami, but Sarasota. First time I had been to the gulf coast. Flew into Tampa, rented a car, and then we both just enjoyed ourselves. I attended a convention, Joan met up with an old friend she had not seen in about 5 years. Dang, we were both in the zone (of relaxation and enjoyment). No clock, no pre-defined itinerary, just spur of the moment. Rejuvenation !

    I zone out best when I cannot sleep. I lay down in bed, close my eyes and let my mind wander, hoping that it always comes back. So far it has, but that’s no guarantee for the future.. It’s almost of stream of consciousness type of situation – jump from one subject to another in no particular order with no pre-planned objective or destination. And yes, there are some good ideas that come out of the zone, primarily for me ideas for articles and stories to write. Or maybe a new approach to a topic I have already been contemplating.

    What kind of wine goes best with a fire pit? I’m thinking a cabernet sauvignon.

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