15 Business Buzzwords You Need to Stop Using Immediately!

Apr 2018

business buzzwords


Today’s post is about business buzzwords.  You know, those catchphrases that people use to make themselves seem smarter and more impressive.

The Problem With Using Business Buzzwords

In business, you hear people dropping them all the time, thinking they are sounding intelligent when instead it makes them sound completely ridiculous, boring and unable to come up with an original thought of their own.

The other problem is that if you dig a little deeper, the message they convey may not portray the speaker or his/her team in the best light.

 Buzz Off From These Business Buzzwords!

So, without further ado, let’s look at some of most frequently used business buzzwords people use at work and some of the hidden messages they may be implying:

(1) “I am going to give it 110%”It is physically impossible to give more than 100%.  You are just trying to say: “giving it your all'”, I get it.  But by only using this in certain situations, you are saying that the rest of the time you are not giving it your all.

(2)  “We need to bring our ‘A’ game” – Wait, shouldn’t you always be bringing your “A” game? By saying this are you saying that you lack confidence in your “A” game.

(3)  “Let’s go after the low-hanging fruit” – This makes it sound like you aren’t smart enough to tackle the hard problems.  It’s almost as if you are settling for the easy shit anyone can do so you can look competent and say you accomplished something. And if it is such “low-hanging fruit”, why haven’t you done it already?

(4)  “In today’s highly competitive marketplace” – So, yesterday’s marketplace wasn’t competitive and tomorrow’s won’t be? It sounds like “oh shit, I just realized that as of today the marketplace we are in is highly competitive.”

(5)  “Let’s get a few quick wins” – See low hanging fruit above, it makes it sound like you are trying to justify your existence. Like “people think we are useless, let’s get a couple quick wins to prove them wrong.” Winners don’t do this; they are self-assured and confident.

(6)  “Let’s be proactive people” – “As opposed to our usual lazy, passive and reactive selves.”

(7)  “We need to be strategic here” – “Usually we wing the shit out of it, or do whatever the hell we want without putting any thought into it. Oh no, not this time! We are actually going to put some logic behind our actions.”

(8)  “I don’t have the bandwidth” – Basically you are saying “It’s just not a priority for me because if I really wanted to do it I would make time for it.”, or “I don’t have time because I don’t know how to prioritize”, or “I’m so disorganized that I just don’t have time”, or “My organization misallocates resources”.

business buzzwords

(9)  “Does a bear shit in the woods?”  Sure it may not be a typical business buzzword but I have heard it used, so I am making the “executive decision” to include it.  Anyway, this one has always puzzled me.  Honestly, I don’t know if they shit in the woods, I have never been close enough to a bear to see if they actually do shit in the woods, have you?  So, I cannot say with 100% certainty that it in fact occurs. Do they shit in the woods? Maybe, but maybe not.  Have you ever considered that maybe they leave the woods, shit, and then come back?  Do you shit in your kitchen?  Let’s give bears the benefit of the doubt and not use this one anymore.

(10)  “No one wants to discuss the elephant in the room” – You are admitting that you don’t have the balls to talk about something because it’s too uncomfortable.

(11)  “We need to manage expectations” – This makes it sound like you know there is a good chance that you are going to do a shitty job, so you don’t want to get someone’s hopes up in the first place to minimize the disappointment when said shitty job comes to fruition.

(12)  “We need to circle back” – “Shit, I just realized that no one has actually executed on all the stuff we discussed at the last meeting.”

(13)  “We need to think about rightsizing” – What you are saying here is “We need to cut costs, but we aren’t smart enough to figure out how to do it. So, let’s do what every other corporation does and do the obvious and just fire a bunch of people and blame it on the previous administration.” Further, it is downsizing and is caused by poor planning; don’t insult your employees by calling it rightsizing as if it were their faults.

(14)  “Going forward…” – “From this point on we will no longer do the stupid shit we have been doing.” Seems to me like a New Year’s resolution and you know how long they last…

(15)  “I just can’t seem to get to first base” – If you use it in business, it makes it look like you can’t execute. For guys, if you use it when discussing relations with a female, it makes you look like you have zero game.  Plus, a gentleman doesn’t kiss and tell anyway.

The lesson of today’s post is to be self-aware about what you say and to think before you say things.  Because what you are saying may be portraying you or your colleagues in a poor light.

Avoid the ridiculous business buzzwords above and just say what you mean.

Hello Pot…This is Kettle

I tried to push the envelope and think outside the box when creating this post, I hope it brought a lot of value to the table for you that will help you take things to the next level.  The fact of the matter is that at the end of the day, Prime Your Pump is just trying to take you from good to great by helping you undergo a paradigm shift in how you consume self-improvement content.

Yes, I just used a bunch of business buzzwords myself.  The bottom line is…do as I say not as I do.

Anyway, please feel free to ping me in the comments below should you have any overused business buzzwords to add to the list.

Until next time, keep going the extra mile, and as always…PYMFP!


Use It or Lose It:

  Be self-aware, think before you speak and avoid the ridiculous business buzzwords above by just saying what you mean.

When to Use Business Buzzwords:


What Do You Think?

  Have I missed any of your favorite business buzzwords?  If so, please add them in the comments section below!


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2 Replies to “15 Business Buzzwords You Need to Stop Using Immediately!”

  1. You are so spot on with these 15 terms, which should be permanently banned from the English language. I used to call these ‘undigestible management speak’. I have always maintained that people should carry a laminated index card to meetings; on the card is printed THIS IS BULLSHIT, and toss the card out onto the table at the appropriate time.

    So being in a somewhat frivolous cynical mood right now, here’s my take on the 15 terms:
    1) This person flunked math. Try another 10% and have a fatal heart attack.
    2) The Oakland A’s always bring their ‘A’ game. Frequently the opposing team brings their ‘A+’
    3) Scavengers.
    4) This obviously occurs in the penthouse, as opposed to the Lowly Competitive Marketplace,
    which happens in the basement.
    5) Yeah, schedule games against high school teams.
    6) As opposed to ‘anti-active ‘ people?
    7) Most strategy involves just trying not to screw up.
    8) Then buy an AM/FM/Shortwave radio.
    9) Yes, a bear does shit in the woods. I have seen a bear stop, squat, and dump, then walk away
    10) Unless you are working for the circus or the zoo.
    11) Expectations? Isn’t that when you hock a giant loogie? Oh wait, that’s expectorations.
    12) Then you will be at the starting point and have done nothing but waste gasoline.
    13) Keep this in mind when going clothes shopping.
    14) This is usually a good idea unless standing at the edge of a cliff.
    15) Then take more batting practice and stop striking out.

    1. Somehow I missed this Dave, thanks for sharing. I laughed out loud at a few of yours, nice job! -Rick

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