7 Behaviors of Bad Managers You Need to Avoid

Dec 2018

This week’s video discusses 7 behaviors of bad managers.

In the Western world, managers have frequently operated using the following bad behaviors; often without realizing it.

We will discuss them in this video.

Bad Managers Behavior 1

Rewards and punishments are the most effective motivators for people.


Rewards and punishments frequently send the wrong message(s) to people because they assume that people are only motivated by punishments and rewards.

In fact, people are also motivated by the sheer joy of doing an act; for example,

Rewarding people for something they did for the sheer joy of the act actually diminishes the desire for that person to repeat the act.

Bad Managers Behavior 2

Optimization of every area in an organization leads to optimization of the entire organization.


Some people think that if they do what is best for them; it is best for everyone.

For example, if a department is going out for a holiday lunch; if the head of the department picks a restaurant (Hooters) he or she likes, but everyone else hates it, this is a classic example of this bad behavior.

Bad Managers Behavior 3

Results are achieved by setting objectives.


If you set objectives for people you need to tell them how to achieve the objectives.

For example, if I say to my secretary don’t allow students into my office while I am doing research, I have to tell her how to do it so the students will not be upset and her job becomes unpleasant.

Bad Managers Behavior 4

Quality is inversely related to quantity.


If you want someone to work faster, you need to give them a better method. Don’t scream at them to just work harder.

Bad Managers Behavior 5

Rational decisions can be made based on guesswork and opinion.


Rational decisions can only be made using good data or good theory.

Don’t go with your gut if you have some decent information. For example, your gut tells you to hug someone but based on the “Me Too” seminar you recently went to at work, you know you may get in trouble for inappropriately touching people.

Bad Managers Behavior 6

Organizations can be improved by fighting fires.


Organizations are improved by stopping the cause of fires before they occur. For example, two employees might be at each others’ throats all the time. Instead of dealing with each fight, find the reason for the fights and resolve it. Puff!! No more fires!

Bad Managers Behavior 7

Competition is a necessary aspect of life.


You can choose not to compete; rather, you can work toward cooperative efforts with others.

Use It or Lose It  – Bad Managers

If you are a manager keep these 7 bad behaviors in mind and constantly try to avoid them.

When to Use It:

Whenever you are managing at work or at home

What Do You Think?

Have you ever been a victim of these 7 bad behaviors? If yes, please share in the space below.

Until next time, behave and as always…Prime Your Pump!

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2 Replies to “7 Behaviors of Bad Managers You Need to Avoid”

  1. I’m quite sure that everyone has at one time or another been the victim of bad management. Do you read the Dilbert comic strip? Each one of these managerial ‘behaviors’ has been mocked. The clueless pointy haired boss just bumbles on, thinking all is well.

    Item number (3): We had to suffer through something called “management by objectives”, where each employee had to list his/her objectives for the upcoming year. No directions given about how these personal objectives should fit in with corporate objectives/goals. So naturally, we came up with objectives that were easy to fulfill, and since (most) objectives were met, our annual employee appraisals were high. Thank goodness for Deming and 6 sigma bringing corporations back to reality. The output increased, and people seemed generally in a better mood. And the appraisals remained high, but for the right reasons.

    Keep on lecturing and teaching. If only one boss watches this video and changes the style of management, then your efforts are successful.

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