What do the following things have in common? Being stared at by some creepy dude in a crowded elevator. Public speaking. First dates. Eating alone in a restaurant. Changing out in the open in the locker room (unless you are an old dude).
Mar 2018
Mar 2018
“One cannot think well, love well, sleep well if one has not dined well”1. Well said Virginia Wolff, well said. Food, drinks and the experience of dining are a ritual in my family; and thus, are equally important for Andrew and me.
Feb 2018
Today’s post is all about a powerful graphical tool called a Mind Map. For those “experimental” readers, think about the strange, interesting or just far out places your mind has gone when say partaking in the consumption of the devil’s lettuce.
Today’s post is all about a tool that can help you master your next public speaking engagement or presentation. Studies have shown that by using this tool, your mind can trick your brain into making you feel more confident!