In this week’s video, Howie discusses why correlation does not imply causation. Human beings are frequently very quick to assume A causes B. For example, a mother may decide that if her 13-year-old son has a messy room (A), he will be a messy thinker, flunk out of school, get involved in crime, wind up in
This week’s video is about how rare events and coincidences affect us. David J. Hand in his latest book, “The Improbability Principle: “Why Coincidences, Miracles, and Rare Events Happen Every Day” (Farrar, Straus, and Groux, A Scientific American book, February 2014) explains why the amazingly unlikely happens all the time.
This week’s video is about how to make small talk with someone you have nothing in common with. It has happened to all of us. You are at a social gathering of some sort and you are introduced to a person with whom you must make small talk with, but you quickly discover that you
This week’s video is about how to minimize the damage when you screwed up! In my opinion… the optimal way to minimize the damage when you screwed up is NOT to cover up the mistake in the first place.
This week’s video is about one way to improve your relationship with your significant other. A great piece of advice my wife’s grandmother gave us when we married was: Never go to bed angry with each other. We took this to mean that we should resolve an argument or fight before we go to bed.