There’s no doubt that we can learn so much from the success, failures, and wisdom of others. And one of those ways is via inspiring quotes.
I remember as a kid being on family road trips and we would be somewhat lost. My Dad would pull out the map, “ah I think we need to just go this way.”
While I am always trying to improve, I would not consider myself a perfectionist, not by a longshot. But there are times when it would be helpful for me to know how to overcome perfectionism.
In his great book, The Achievement Habit: Stop Wishing, Start Doing, and Take Command of Your Life, Bernard Roth begins the chapter on getting unstuck from a problem with a great analogy
You come home after a long day at work and pull into the driveway, only to find that the front lawn has not been mowed. Instead of responding as you usually do, by blaming your son, you change your approach and decide to use the 5 Whys instead.