Until 2015 when she passed away at the age of 117 in a care facility in Osaka, Japan, Misao Okawa was the oldest living person in the world.
A couple of months ago I was chatting to my sister when I was lamenting the fact that lately I had been woken up a lot during the night by my neighbors and unable to fall asleep.
As Jackie Gleason once said, “A funny thing with a diet, the second day of a diet is always easier than the first. By the second day, you’re off it.”
Anyone who has seen Jim Carrey’s commencement address at the Maharishi University of Management received a great lesson on how to start a speech.
While reading People Skills: How to Assert Yourself, Listen to Others, and Resolve Conflicts by Robert Bolton, Ph.D., I discovered that there are 12 roadblocks to effective communication. Recently, I was in the sauna at my gym with a good friend of mine and a lovely man who just happened to be a priest.