It was the summer after my freshman year of college, and I was back home training for the upcoming football season with one of my buddies. We were at a busy local gym one night to lift some weights and run some sprints on the treadmill.
There is no doubt that college can be a lot of fun with endless excitement and growth, not to mention 4 years of freedom! What’s also true is that there is a lot more to college than partying until 2 am and loathing dining hall food – it is also the launching pad for the
Today, we are going to combine a couple of concepts that can make you more indispensable to those around you. The concepts that I am going to combine are called social arbitrage and connectors.
When he was being recruited to join Google as the head of People Operations, Lazslo Bock received an important piece of advice from his recruiter.
Have you ever heard of the classic video game ‘Frogger’? If you haven’t, the object is to get frogs to their homes one by one by avoiding vehicles on a busy road and crossing a river full of hazards.