A few months ago, at the Daily Journal Annual meeting for whom he is the Chairman, someone in the audience asked Charlie Munger what he learned by working in Warren Buffett’s grandpa’s grocery store as a teenager.
February 16, 2011, may very well be a day that lives in infamy in American game show history. Seven million homes watched intently as host Alex Trebek read the clue, “It’s a poor workman who blames these.”
Have you ever wondered why certain so-called ‘talent hotbeds’ exist? You know, those locations where certain activities unexpectedly thrive. For example, how does a small country like the Dominican Republic produce so many great baseball players?
Seeing as how this is college graduation season, at least in the United States, I wanted to share a commencement-related story I heard last week that relates to an idea I have wanted to write about for a while.
One of the more interesting books I’ve read is also one of the most unconventional. It’s not a book you read from front to back, although you can read it like that if you like.