tips for storytelling

In his N.Y. Times bestselling book, Tell to Win: Connect, Persuade, and Triumph with the Hidden Power of Story, author Peter Guber tells a great story about the time he had lunch with former Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev and former U.S. President Ronald Reagan.

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being resourceful

I don’t remember much of what I learned during my MBA seeing as how it was more than 15 years since I graduated. But one thing that I do remember is some advice that one of my classes received from our professor at the time and my current mentor and Prime Your Pump co-conspirator Howie

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digital declutter

Photo Credit: Technology is Both a Blessing and a Curse! What makes the images above so funny is that there is a lot of truth to the story they tell. Author Cal Newport did an extensive exploration of the impact of technology on people’s personal lives in his fantastic NY Times Bestseller Digital Minimalism:

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