I’m going to tell the same story twice, once now and once at the conclusion of this blog post and we will see which one is more memorable to you. In the first version, a family takes a trip for a few days and stays at the Ritz-Carlton on Amelia Island in Florida. Upon returning
When you look at A and B above, which one do you think would be easier to remember 3 days later, A or B?
Contrary to what you may believe, belonging to one of America’s fabled political families does not always guarantee that you will have executive presence.
Your good friend Michelle is at a family get together and her Aunt Ethel sides up to her and says, “Hey Michelle, you are a cute girl but your good looks aren’t going to last forever, you really should be thinking about marriage, are you seeing anybody? The longer you wait, the less fish there
What’s old is new again! One of the most popular and best-selling management books of all time is The One Minute Manager written in 1982 by Ken Blanchard and Spencer Johnson (author of Who Moved My Cheese?).