It was a hot summer day last year and I just had a couple more emails to send. Then I could head out to dinner with my Uncle Albert who was in town visiting. While I was typing furiously on my laptop, he was on my couch enjoying a cold beer and watching TV.
Apr 2019
Whether it is at home, at work or wherever else, I think we can all agree that communication is important. Miscommunication can result for a variety of reasons including differences in the use of language, contextual misunderstandings, not fully paying attention or simply not listening!
I must admit that when I came across a book called You Learn by Living: Eleven Keys to a More Fulfilling Life, I was a little skeptical…yet curious.
Welcome to the 5th and final part in our 5-part blog post series on emotional intelligence.
Welcome to part 4 in our 5-part blog post series on emotional intelligence.