make time for work that matters

Back in 2013, an article appeared in the Harvard Business Review called “Make Time for the Work That Matters”. That article, which we will discuss today, introduces a process where you sort low-value tasks into 3 categories which helps free up a significant amount of time in your workday.

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how to delegate

You are probably familiar with the term ‘gofer’ which is a person who has to go fetch items such as coffee, dry cleaning, mail, etc. for someone higher up in the food chain of life. It is also a horrible form of delegation, which we will discuss in a hot minute.

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regrets of the dying

After many years of drifting from unfulfilling job to unfulfilling job, Bronnie Ware longed for a job that gave her job meaning. Finally, she found one that not only gave her meaning at work but also taught her many important life lessons that she would not have learned otherwise.

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best personal development books

Seeing as how I read a lot, I have had multiple requests from friends and readers on what I have been reading lately. With that being said, this blog post will be dedicated to the 10 best personal development books that I have read so far this year, counting down from 10.

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