It started out as a commencement speech on how to get more out of life by asking the right questions and it ended up on the NY Times bestseller list.
I was having coffee one morning a couple of weeks ago with a friend and I was telling her about a book I was reading. One of the more interesting chapters of the book was focused on being a talent magnet.
I recently finished reading a book called No Limits: The Will to Succeed, which is a biography about Michael Phelps – the most decorated swimmer in Olympic history. Many people who have followed Phelps’ career may assume that his success stems mainly from genetics and God-given talent.
I remember it like it was yesterday. I was 8 years old and was watching TV when I witnessed one of the most amazing things ever. What I saw was a 21-year old kid doing something that was unbelievable to me.
You are at a grocery store and you see someone come in, grab an item and walk out without paying. What do you do? As you are walking home from work along a crowded city street, you witness 3 teenagers harassing a homeless man. What do you do?