Decisions, decisions – it seems like every day we are faced with a bunch of them. From major decisions such as which house or car to buy to more minor ones like deciding between bowling or a movie on Friday night.
It is when times are tough and when stuff happens that you really get a chance to see what people are made of. You get a chance to see who steps up and keeps things secure for those around them and who doesn’t.
If you go back throughout history and look at some of the most successful people ever, there is one thing they have in common. From Michaelangelo to Amelia Earhart to Michael Jordan to Steve Jobs to Marie Curie, just to name a handful – they all were or are obsessed with success.
Have you ever noticed how great it feels when someone you have only met once calls you by your first name the next time you see them? For me, it is the one thing that someone can do that gives me a great early impression of them.
Anyone who was around back in the late 1970s will remember the TV advertisements for Ginsu knives. The ads paved the way for today’s infommercials by telling you all about the amazing knives they were hawking and all for a low-low price.