Should I work out today or not? That pizza looks pretty good – should I eat it? The boss wants me to stay late today, but my kid has a soccer game. What should I do?
Happy holidays everyone! To get into the holiday spirit, we wanted to write a little parody of the beloved holiday classic. Our hope is that by reading it, it prepares you for all of those New Year’s resolutions that most of you will stick with for only a few days!
This week’s video discusses 7 behaviors of bad managers. In the Western world, managers have frequently operated using the following bad behaviors; often without realizing it. We will discuss them in this video.
The elementary school I went to was open-concept, meaning there were no walls between classrooms, only dividers. Which is probably why I am able to now focus and concentrate in even the loudest of environments.
The fact that we have had it for so long, it is pretty easy to forget what life was like before Google! In the ‘old days’, most of the information we needed existed on paper and was kept on things called bookshelves.