I’ve always been fascinated by attraction and why we are attracted to some people and not others. In fact, I have informally studied how to be more attractive quite a bit over the years to make myself more attractive to other people in general – be it in friendships, business relationships, or romantic relationships.
This week’s video discusses my thoughts on 17 tips on how to be a better student. These are just my opinions I have developed over 41 years of teaching.
Dear Bad Bosses, You probably think I am going to use this letter as a forum to criticize you and to bash you. And that may end up happening as I continue writing this, but understand that is not my intention.
I am going to start this blog post by taking you back to a weekend back in 2010 when my sister and her husband paid a visit to South Florida to visit yours truly. I believe by that time they were married and no longer living in sin.
I wasn’t quite late yet, but if it took me much longer to find it, there was a chance it would cause me to be late. I knew my watch was around here somewhere. Then after about 5 minutes of looking for it, I finally found it.