A couple of years ago, I met this girl and there seemed to be mutual attraction, so I asked for her number. The problem was that I didn’t have my phone on me. No worries, I have a great memory – or so I thought. Seeing I didn’t have my phone she quickly said, ‘you
This week’s video discusses a great way to learn. Teaching to learn is one of the best methods to learn a subject. Research shows this is extremely effective. I am reminded of an old story about two professors walking from one building on campus to another.
About 6 months ago I was listening to a podcast that discussed the health benefits of using the sauna on a regular basis. Being someone who is always trying to take his health and fitness to the next level, I decided to give it a shot.
Learning how to stay focused has a lot in common with magic. In fact, if you think about it, magicians themselves must know how to stay focused or else their magic show will end up being a shitshow! Have you ever watched a good magician who was distracted, tired and not motivated? Of course not!
The first time he did it he got me, as it was the last thing I was expecting. From then on I was prepared whenever I saw him. You are probably wondering what the hell I am talking about! Just a handshake.