As Jackie Gleason once said, “A funny thing with a diet, the second day of a diet is always easier than the first. By the second day, you’re off it.”
Have you ever been involved in a passionate argument that seemed like a good idea at the time but later you realized it was pointless? I think we all have.
There are tons of reasons for being in a crappy mood. Stubbing your toe, your dog doing his business on the kitchen floor, having financial issues, dealing with health problems, to name a few, can all make us sad and bring us down.
Until I did some research on him, I had no idea that former United States President Dwight D. Eisenhower was an avid painter. Apparently, he took up the hobby after being encouraged to do so by Winston Churchill, which resulted in him making over 250 paintings.
I am writing this blog post in the form of a letter to an American man named Joey…I learned about Joey recently when reading an article about him. More on him in a bit, but first my letter to him regarding mindful eating.