Do the numbers 55, 38, and 7 sound familiar to you? Do they ring a bell? Hmmm! Well, let me give you a clue – they add up to 100 – duh! Ok, that’s a bad clue! How about another clue? Does the importance of non-verbal communication ring that bell? Okay, okay – I’ll tell
Upon starting my new position as VP/Chief of Staff at a previous job, my boss asked me to meet with all his other direct reports. He wanted me to get to know them and to start building relationships with them as I would be working closely with them.
There is one specific activity that sailors who are participating in Navy SEAL training do at the start of every day that demonstrates discipline and attention to detail amongst other things.
Growing up in the Great White North, aka Canada, and its frigid weather elements spawned some interesting disagreements with my mother. I wish I would have known the strategies we are going to discuss regarding how to disagree with someone back then, they would have sure made my life a lot easier!
I started today the same way I start every other day – by writing down the 3 things I am most grateful for in my life. Each day is a different three things and it really helps set the tone for a great day.