I must admit, whenever I hear someone complaining about or showing the symptoms of this common ‘disease’, I cringe – and I’m not even a doctor! However, before I judge them, I always catch myself because I too used to suffer from the destructive and debilitating effects of ‘busy-itis’
One of my fondest childhood memories was when I would stay over at my grandparents’ house for the weekend. Being the smartest, best looking and most charming grandson (the fact I was the only grandson is neither here nor there) meant I always got the royal treatment.
The inspiration for this post about trying something new came from an article I read a few weeks ago about Amazon entering the pet food market. Their new pet food named ‘Wag’ is now available in 70 markets to Amazon Prime members only.
This week’s video is about how not to be a doormat or a bully, but rather how to be assertive; that is to make your needs known, without hurting other people. People who know how to be assertive exhibit assertive behavior by standing up for their rights without violating the rights of others.
I was recently invited to a networking event, which is what inspired me to write today’s post. I must admit, I am not a big fan of networking events. To me, they seem contrived and I feel like many people attending have ulterior motives – namely, advancing their career.