I have had several recent requests from readers and friends on writing a blog post about how to plan your week. One even went so far as to say that it would be helpful to others since I am “obsessed with planning.”
If only I knew one of these real life hacks back when I was in college I could have helped my teammate out! I’ll never forget it.
The elementary school I went to was open-concept, meaning there were no walls between classrooms, only dividers. Which is probably why I am able to now focus and concentrate in even the loudest of environments.
The fact that we have had it for so long, it is pretty easy to forget what life was like before Google! In the ‘old days’, most of the information we needed existed on paper and was kept on things called bookshelves.
I will never forget the very first email I got from him and I don’t even remember what the email was about! And to be honest, I don’t think it was even directed at me specifically.