Welcome to the fourth and final post of our four-part series on divesting things from your life. Today’s post will show you how to clear your mind and divest all the unnecessary mind clutter from your head.
Today’s lesson is about using awkward silence also known as ‘the power of silence’ to your advantage. Many times after you ask a question you don’t give the other person enough time to consider it.
Today’s topic is about the importance of intellectual curiosity and learning! We will confine it to your private life, so stuff you want to learn when you are away from school and work.
Welcome to the second in our four-part series on divesting things from your life. After reading last week’s post, ‘Managing Relationships by Divesting the Losers from Your Life!’, we hope you now have fewer losers in your life that are stealing your joy and happiness.
Today’s lesson is improving the process to get results, don’t just demand results and it is a piece of advice that will really help you to build good relationships.