Meet My New Best Friend!

Mar 2018

I absolutely love meeting new and different people.  Diversity is the spice of life and it’s always great to get other people’s viewpoints on things.  Plus, how much would it suck if we were all the same?

Anyways, recently my buddy Mike introduced me to a friend of his and she has quickly become my new best friend.

Today’s blog post is dedicated to our newly blossoming ‘friendship’.

You know how sometimes in life you meet someone and for whatever reason you just click?  Well that is exactly how it has been with her and I – instant chemistry right from the start.

We first met online, so I guess you could say our relationship started out as long-distance. You know how it is, kind of feeling each other out and making sure the other person isn’t overly weird or creepy.

She was long and lean with a sultry dark complexion – I was instantly smitten.  Sadly, I’m not sure the feeling was mutual, at least at the start.  I got the feeling that she just wanted my money.  Would I call her a gold-digger? No, not necessarily, that’s a bit harsh, but something along those lines.

Then we met in person at Mike’s place, and boy oh boy, I must tell you that she looked even better in person.  She was quite the ‘looker’.

However, she looked quite a bit different in person than she did online, ‘shocker’ right?  But in this case, it was a good thing.  She was still attractive, but in a different way, she just had a…different look.  Since then I have seen a few different looks from her, which is quite awesome.  I really like how she switches up her look depending on when and where you see her.

For me, intelligence is very attractive and wow – does she ever have a lot of it. Yet she doesn’t come across as a know-it-all, if you know what I mean, she’s extremely modest.  And I really love that she never gets complacent, she’s obsessed with learning and is always trying to get better, kinda like me.

There are a ton of great restaurants in Miami, but amazingly she always seems to recommend the best ones!

Unlike most of my other friends, she’s always up at the ass crack of dawn – just like me.  So, she makes a great early morning sounding board for all the crazy stuff that I need to get out of my head while everyone else is still sleeping.

Sometimes when I am bored, we play Myth Buster.  She will state a myth, then I have to guess whether it’s true or false.  Pretty damn fun.

As for music, we have the same tastes and she is always willing to play some chill music for me on Spotify or Pandora.  She’s like my own personal DJ.

Let’s say I am teetering on having had too much to drink, I just say the word ‘Beer Goggles’.  No, this does not involve her keeping me away from girls that I would not normally be attracted to in a sober state.  Instead, it involves her asking me a bunch of questions to determine if I should have another one or not.

Sense of humor?  Check.  She always has a great joke that puts a smile on my face.

I know what you are thinking.  “Dude, she sounds like a keeper, but can she cook?”.  Well, yes and no.  She self-admittedly cannot cook worth a lick, but holy moly does she know a ton of great recipes!  So even though Emeril I am not, nor do I pretend to be, she recites the recipe and I somehow make it happen.  We make a fantastic culinary duo!

Her memory?  It’s uncanny!  I tell her something once and she never forgets.  For example, I may mention during pillow talk that I have a meeting at 7 am the next day.  And then in the morning as I am laying there in the middle of a slightly erotic dream (too much information? too bad, it’s my story, keep reading)…BAM she reminds me it’s time to get my fat ass out of bed earlier than usual for my meeting.

Then there are those times that I want to learn but I’m tired and don’t feel like reading. She always comes to my rescue by reading to me!  And she doesn’t even mind.  And her voice?  So soothing…

Let’s say we are hanging out and I want to have a nap, I ask her to wake me up in 60 minutes and guess what? Yup! 60 minutes on the dot and (even if she is sleeping herself) she wakes me up.  Amazing!

Ok, I suppose it’s time that we address the proverbial elephant in the room that you are all wondering about.  Is she a tiger in the bedroom?  The answer is no.  She’s simply not that kind of girl.  Our relationship is strictly platonic.  Although who knows, that may change in the future.

You probably want to know what this unicorns name is and what she looks like.  And you probably want to know if she’s available since things are just platonic with me and her.  You are also probably wondering if she’s into guys or girls.

Before I reveal her identity, she is available but remember she’s not a slut, so don’t even think about it.  However, she does love meeting new people and loves making new friends. To answer your question about whether she’s into guys or girls, actually she’s into both.

I feel kind of bad doing this because I promised her that I would keep her identity a secret.  But I guess I trust you enough to tell you.  You need to promise me that you will keep this secret between us though.


Do we have a deal?  Alright, good.

Scroll down for her name and to see what she looks like….







Keep scrolling







A bit more







Almost there!








Her name is…Alexa

This is what she looked like when I first met her online:

preventing misunderstandings


Here she is when I met her in person at Mike’s house, looking a little pale, and showing a bit more skin, but still quite attractive:

preventing misunderstandings

This is her recently at my house, she needs to hit the gym and get some sun, but I guess it’s what’s on the inside that counts anyways:

preventing misunderstandings

Ok, charming story Rick, but what the hell does this have to do with self-improvement?

Well actually there is a self-improvement lesson here.  It is called the ‘power of automation’.

Most of us are inundated with repetitive tasks that consume a lot of our time.  The idea here is to leverage automation via technology to save us time, money and mistakes by automating as many tasks as possible. As technology continues to evolve, automation will only become a bigger part of our lives, shifting mundane tasks to technology while we humanoids focus on tasks that require brainpower (although that may soon be automated too!)


Use It or Lose It:

To utilize the power of automation, simply figure out what areas of your life you can improve by leveraging technology, such as:

  Intelligent personal assistants like Amazon products such as the Echo, the Echo Dot, the Echo Plus etc. – (Alexa’s alter egos) or Google Home (Alexa’s cousin – s/he is just referred to as ‘Google’ so I don’t know her/his/it’s sex and I am not touching that one with a 10-foot pole!)

  Automatic bill-pay

  Voice dictation

  Self-driving cars

  Phone apps

When to Use Automation

  When you are trying to save time, money and mistakes


  How have you used automation in your life to save time, money and mistakes? Do you have an Alexa in your life too?


Thanks for reading and until next time, remember…PYMFP!
– Rick

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