How to Overcome Your Fears and Take the Initiative

Jun 2018

take the initiative

There are many times in life we are afraid to take the initiative to do something due to what we think may happen. Our fear gets the best of us.

In today’s post, I am going to show you a trick from business that will give you another way to look at things, and hopefully, get you over the hump in your inability to take the initiative.

Being Certainly Uncertain

Often in business, you face uncertainty in terms of what will happen when you take a certain course of action.  The course of action may be a project you are about to undertake, a big decision that will affect the company, or how changing interest rates may affect your financial projections.

What is Scenario Analysis?

There is a tool that is frequently used in business called a ‘scenario analysis’.  A scenario analysis is a way for a business to predict what may happen under a given situation.

The business develops three different financial projections:

(1)  Expected scenario – this is the outcome that the business thinks has the best chance of happening if everything goes to plan.

(2)  Worst case scenario – this is the worst possible outcome that could happen to the business. All the negative possibilities and problems come to fruition.

(3)  Best case scenario – this is the best possible outcome that could happen to the business. All the opportunities are seized and the positive possibilities all come to fruition.

The Babaganoosh Special

I will give a simple hypothetical example of a scenario analysis in business just to give you an idea.  Let’s say your favorite burger joint read my recent post about Mayochup and got a great idea to put a new burger on the menu called ‘the Babaganoosh Special’ which is a burger topped with bacon, cheese, and Maoychup.  Before adding it to the menu, they perform a scenario analysis to forecast what they think may happen under various scenarios.

take the initiative

A partial scenario analysis may look like this:

Number sold 7,500 5,000 10,000

There would be other variables such as sales, costs etc. in a full scenario analysis – I just wanted to give you an idea of the concept.  The point is to figure out the expected, worst case and best case scenarios so you can plan ahead and be prepared for all three – that is if you decide the risk is worth it.

So How Do I Use This in My Personal Life to Take the Initiative?

A ha!

Here is where it gets interesting for you…

Let me introduce you to the personal scenario analysis.

It Goes Like This…

When you are confronted with a situation or a scenario where you don’t want to take the initiative to do something because you are nervous, scared or uncomfortable with doing it; just do a personal scenario analysis by asking yourself the following 3 questions:

  What is the most likely thing that will happen?

  What is the worst thing that could happen?

  What is the best thing that could happen?

Performing a personal scenario analysis by asking yourself the 3 questions above will often show you that the worst thing that can happen isn’t all that bad and that the best thing that can happen is really awesome.

Hopefully, by looking at things this way, it will help you get out of your own head and take the initiative that you know you need to take.

Can You Give Me Some Examples?

Sure, I will give you a couple of personal examples that I have used myself.

 Looking for Mrs. Right or At Least Mrs. Right Now…

A great example that many of us have struggled with at one time or another in our lives is asking someone out, yours truly included.

I consider myself to be self-confident and assured but for whatever reason, there are times when a little doubt creeps in. It’s what makes us human.

take the initiative

Here is how I have used a personal scenario analysis to take the initiative to ask someone out, I ask myself the 3 questions:

What is the most likely thing that will happen?

Ok, she seems interested and it seems like she is giving the green light.  Based on past experience, she will say yes.

What is the worst thing that could happen?

She wasn’t winking at me after all – she just has a nervous twitch.  When I ask her out she will laugh at me and tell me I have bad breath.

What is the best thing that could happen?

She says yes, we go out, end up being soulmates, and have some great looking babies due to our fantastic combined genetics.

After answering these questions, the worst thing really wouldn’t be that bad given both the possibility of the best thing and the most likely thing. In other words, the benefit of the best or most likely thing is worth the risk of the worst thing.

Who’s Afraid of Public Speaking?

I am ok with it now, but to be honest, there was a point in my life where I really hated public speaking. Like most fears in our lives, mine was totally unjustified and just a product of me getting in my own head.

take the initiative

Here I how I used personal scenario analysis to get my head right:

What is the most likely thing that will happen?

It will go well as it always does.  People will ask good questions and I will answer them like I always do, and they will clap like they always do.  Most of them will be on their cell phones looking at photos on Instagram or sexting with their significant other anyway. And those who are presenting after me are probably doing personal scenario analysis’ of their own upcoming presentations instead of listening to me.

What is the worst thing that could happen?

I vomit or fart. They laugh at me, tell me I have no idea what I am talking about and ask me questions with words whose meanings I don’t even know!

What is the best thing that could happen?

The big boss is so impressed with my presentation that I get a huge promotion with a new kick-ass title and sweet little salary increase.

Asking those questions really got me to where I needed to be mentally.  I have been laughed at before and unable to answer questions asked of me, yet I am still here.  If it goes super well, a promotion would be awesome.  Most likely I will do well as usual and that will be that.

Note – there are some who are prone to shyness and social anxiety, which I am very sensitive and empathetic to, and this may not work for you.  If you find you need something more, you may want to seek professional help and there is absolutely nothing wrong with that!

Often times you will find…

That the worst thing that can happen isn’t all that bad.  And if you compare it to the best thing that can happen, it will give you that boost you need to take the initiative you need to take.

Take it from someone who has had the worst-case scenario happen to him more times than I can count.  It really isn’t that bad.  And it sure beats the hell out of wondering ‘what-if’

And even if I did have bad breath, I could always get a breath mint!  At least I’m not scared of the worst-case scenario!

Until next time, pass me an Altoid (just in case, of course) and as always…PYMFP!

Use It or Lose It:

To perform a personal scenario analysis to take the initiative you need to take, just ask yourself these 3 questions:

  What is the most likely thing that will happen?
  What is the worst thing that could happen?
  What is the best thing that could happen?

Most times you will see the worst thing that could happen isn’t all that bad and the best thing that could happen is pretty damn awesome!

When to Use It:

Whenever you don’t want to take the initiative due to being nervous, fearful or uncomfortable.

What Do You Think?

Have you ever used a scenario analysis or something similar, how did it turn out? Are there any other situations you could see yourself using it? Please share in the comments below.

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