A Superhuman Solution to Overcoming Your Fear of Public Speaking
Today’s post is all about a tool that can help you master your next public speaking engagement or presentation. Studies have shown that by using this tool, your mind can trick your brain into making you feel more confident!
The other day during a weekly leadership meeting, I stepped out to take a phone call (it was West Elm calling to schedule my furniture delivery; I just moved into a new house and sitting on pillows on the living room floor is so 3 weeks ago… more on that later). So here I am in the hospital’s executive suite and my colleague Amanda comes strutting down the hallway with her head up, chest out, and her hands on her hips – yup, she was doing the superman pose. Oh, and her eyes were closed, I’m surprised she didn’t crash into anything!
At this point, I had a decision to make, both for her and my humility. Do I attempt to make my presence known or continue to “pretend to not see her?” Before I had a chance to ‘accidentally’ drop my pen to let her know I was there, she opened her eyes, we exchanged an awkward glance, she then entered the conference room while I successfully ended my furniture scheduling call. I immediately sent her a text to ask her if everything was ok and I returned to my seat at the conference table. No response. She got up in front of the leadership team and for the next twenty minutes delivered a compelling presentation with poise and authority; as usual.
After the meeting she came by my office and confessed that public speaking is her ‘Kryptonite’ – she has an extreme fear of doing it. So, before every presentation, she gives herself a pep talk in the mirror and then proceeds to do the superman pose for about 30 seconds. From my viewpoint, she looked freaking insane but I have to admit, it also worked like a charm!
Confidence and body language is more than half the battle. In my mind, Amanda is a great boss and has always been a strong presenter; I could never tell that she like so many of us got the jitters before presenting. Part of convincing people you know what you are talking about is speaking with authority and doing so with a strong physical delivery (verbally, tone of voice, stance, etc.). Tricking your brain into making you feeling powerful is what the superman (or woman) pose is all about; our bodies can alter what our minds feel. So how can you use this superwoman (or man) pose? Read on…
Use it Or Lose It
Before a stressful social situation, try to make yourself (your body) big and occupy space (Think feet up on the desk, arms wide, maybe sit with your legs uncrossed)

Take 2 minutes and actually do the superman/woman pose (It has been proven to increase testosterone, which makes us feel confident and lowers cortisol, which makes us feel less stressed)
When presenting or interviewing don’t make yourself small, instead own the space and the room
Fake it until you make it
Use these tactics until you gain confidence through experience and expertise
If you would like to learn more on this technique watch this awesome Ted Talk by Amy Cuddy
When Other Than Public Speaking Can You Use The Superman Pose
These tools are great for evaluative situations, big presentations, interviews or really any stressful social situations.
Maybe even for a first special night with that new special someone… Power pose the crap out of it!
Anyone else have a fear of public speaking or have difficulty in social situations? How have you used this tool or others?
Give them your best superman pose and keep priming that pump!
xoxo Bri
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P.P.S. Have you met Rhymin’ Ted yet? If not, click here, he’s quite the character!
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Cuddy, Amy. “Your Body Language May Shape Who You Are.” Ted. June. 2012. Lecture
Public speaking can be stressful – ohmigod I’m going to forget what I have to say, I’m going to…um…mumble, i have stage fright, and so on. I have spoken to groups of 5 up to 100. The old adage of “imagine the audience naked” just does not work, especially if talking to a group of men.
Here is my method – – Review your power point slides one at a time in the order to be presented, and think to yourself exactly what you want to say for each….and keep it brief, hit the high points. Repeat this process several times to reinforce your memory. If using a laser pointer, determine exactly what you want to point at. When its your turn, stride confidently up to the podium and begin with slide 1. Confidence is key. Your mindset must be “I KNOW THIS MATERIAL BETTER THAN ANY ONE OF YOU LAZY ASSED BASTARDS IN THE AUDIENCE. SO PAY ATTENTION.” Then give your presentation, always maintaining confidence in yourself.
At the end, ask if there are any questions. If there are, remember you are the expert. I have seldom had a question that I could not answer, even in general terms, and I’ve been public speaking for over 30 years.
So don’t be afraid and GO FOR IT!
Very good advice, thanks for the great comment!
Thanks Libby! Keep Priming that Pump!
Love it! Don’t forget to do the Superman pose before your big officiant debut on Friday! Your going to kill it. Xo