23 Gym Tips That Will Really Optimize Your Time in the Gym

Jul 2018

Today’s post is going to combine two things most people value highly in their lives – their body and their sex life.

Yes, we are going to discuss whether you can get a great workout by having sex.

Oops, wrong post, I got confused.  This post is about your body and time management.

That’s right, I am going to show you 23 gym tips that are proven time management principles that can help get you in and out of the gym faster while increasing your productivity while you are there.

Now, you may not be able to use all 23 as some you may be using already, and some may not apply to you. But hopefully, you can put a few of these gym tips into action!

And let’s be honest, there may be some that a few of you may be too damn lazy to implement.  You know the old saying, sometimes you can lead a horse to water…

Ok, let’s get crackin’!  Below, are 23 time management related gym tips that you can use to really optimize the time that you are in the gym:

(1)  Don’t procrastinate

Procrastinators need not apply. The clock is ticking and the time you sit around and debate whether or not you should go to the gym counts. You know you are going to go anyway, why delay the inevitable? Get up and get after it!

(2)  Set a time deadline

Ok, your ass is out of the house and on the way to the gym. Good job, I am proud of you.  While you are on your way, let’s make use of your drive (or walk) time.

First things first, you are going to need to allocate a specific amount of time to work out. So think about what time you need to walk out the door and stick to it.

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(3)  Plan your workout beforehand

Now that you know how much time you have, you are going to plan your workout, that way you won’t be wasting time trying to figure out what to do once you arrive. Oh, and make sure all the stuff you want to do fits in the time you have allotted.

(4)  Eliminate the unimportant

When planning your workout be sure to use the 80/20 rule. Figure out the 20% of the exercises that will give you 80% of the benefit and focus on those.  If you want to read more about the 80/20 rule, check out the post where I discuss how I used the 80/20 rule to get my six-pack abs.

(5)  Allow time for the unexpected

It is also a good idea to add some buffer time to handle the unexpected. This could include time to flirt with the cute guy that has been catching your eye, getting the number of the cute girl on the treadmill or whatever else may suddenly occupy your time – trust me, it happens!

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(6)  Stick to the plan

You made it! I can’t believe that asshole on the cell phone cut you off. Kudos to you for not flipping him off – you are nicer than I would have been! Now it is time to get going. As tempting as it may be to try out the new machine or do something else because it may be easier than what you planned, don’t! Stick to your original plan – plan the work, then work the plan! Deviating from the original plan will only cost you valuable time.

(7)  Block out distractions

Distractions are a real time killer. Distractions in the gym can come in all shapes and sizes. The meathead who is grunting to show everyone how strong he is, the girl who is all dolled up like she is going out to the club, or the guy who is just there to socialize.  Get some headphones and ignore the noise!

(8)  Use a time log

A time log is simply tracking your workout so you can improve it in the future. So, write down what you are doing, how long it takes and whatever else you find helpful so that you can review it later to see how you can save time.

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(9)  Use delegation

There are times when you are better off letting someone else do something to help you save time. For example, if you aren’t experienced with creating a workout plan, delegate it by hiring a personal trainer to create one for you.  Or if someone asks you for a spot, delegate it by grabbing someone else and get them to do it! Just kidding, it’s always good to help fellow gym goers out.  This falls under ‘allow time for the unexpected above’ and is a great example of it.

(10)  Ask for help

There is nothing wrong with asking for help, especially when waiting is costing you time. If you need a spot or cannot adjust a piece of equipment don’t sit there like a bump on a log, ask someone.  This is where karma from #9 above kicks in!

(11)  Do the hard stuff first

Doing the hard stuff first helps get you in the right frame of mind and everything is easier after that. I have a rule, if I don’t want to do it – I make myself do it and I do it first!

(12)  Reduce bottlenecks

Do you ever notice that some machines are busier than others on certain days? It is called the ‘ICDP’ – the international chest day phenomenon’ and it states that most dudes do chest on Monday’s. This means that the bench press and other chest machines always have a long wait to use them on Monday’s. This is also known as a bottleneck and when it comes to time management it is your enemy as it will bring your workout to a screeching halt! To avoid it, simply figure out what most people are doing on a certain day and then do the opposite.  I dedicated a full post to this topic a few months ago.

(13)  Use decluttering

Clutter is a huge time waster as it makes you waste time looking for stuff. In this case, declutter your gym bag – don’t have shit in there you don’t need, it will just make you waste time looking for the shit you do need.

(14)  Create a routine

Do you ever notice that when you have routines things seem to just work better? That my friends is the power of standardization. Figure out what works, streamline it and repeat it.  For me, I always warm-up, then do weight, then cardio, then stretch, then sauna then out.  Figure out what works for you.

(15)  Eliminate time wasters

A fundamental time management principle is eliminating things that waste time. An example of a time waster in the gym is walking around from machine to machine from one side of the gym to the other as you go through your workout. Make a mental note of where machines are and then batch (group) similar exercises together to minimize your walking.

(16)  Find the best time

There is always a best time to do things from a time management perspective with respect to how busy a place is or whether you are better at doing some things at certain times. The gym is no exception, so if your schedule allows, go to the gym when it is least busy and/or when you are most energized to workout.

(17)  Don’t multitask

Multi-tasking or trying to do multiple things simultaneously is a time management faux pas of epic proportions. This means staying off your phone and social media while at the gym! Focus!

(18)  Being able to say no

Sometimes you need to say no to stay on track. That could include someone who wants to workout with you that will slow you down, someone who wants you to join them for a group class or someone who just wants to chit-chat.  Eye on the prize – just say no!

(19)  Increase your speed

Another way to get more done in less time is to increase the rate at which you are doing something. In the gym, there are a couple ways to do this.  If you are lifting weights, try decreasing the time between sets and exercises – which as an added bonus will also increase your intensity and fat burning levels.  If you are doing cardio, you may want to try HIIT – high-intensity interval training to do more in less time.

(20)  Use a watch to keep an eye on the time

Knowing how much time you have left will allow you to stay on schedule and adjust if necessary. It will also allow you to make sure you are getting the proper amount of rest between sets.

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(21)  Leave when you need to leave

Leave when it is time to leave. Live to fight another day. If you didn’t get everything done, figure out how to do better next time.

(22)  Reflect on what is working and what isn’t

It’s not always going to be rainbows and jolly little leprechauns. Some of the strategies above will work right away and some you will need to tweak and adjust as you go along.  The important thing is that you are always trying to improve.

(23)  Reward yourself

Whether it is a massage, smoothie or 20 minutes in the sauna – take time to reward yourself for a job well done. But make sure there is no sugar in the smoothie – it’s bad for you!

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So that’s it, those are 23 time-management related gym tips that you can use to get you in and out of the gym quicker and optimize your productivity while you are in the gym.

In Case You Were Curious About Whether Sex Can Be an Effective Workout…

A 2013 study in the New England Journal of Medicine found that the average sexual encounter only lasted 6 minutes and showed that a 30-year-old, 154 lb. man would burn only 21 calories.

In comparison, the average man burns roughly 276 calories during exercise.

While that all may be true, our crackerjack research team here at Prime Your Pump did our own study.

We found that over 98.69% of people had much more fun having sex than going to the gym!

Are we saying don’t go to the gym? Of course not! We are saying do both!

Until next time, maximize your time in the gym (and your bedroom) and as always…PYMFP!

When to Use These 23 Time Management Related Gym Tips:

   When you need to get in and out of the gym faster!

What Do You Think?

  Can you think of any other time management related gym tips? Please share in the comments below!

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2 Replies to “23 Gym Tips That Will Really Optimize Your Time in the Gym”

  1. I have not set foot inside a gym since high school, so cannot provide specific comments. I totally detest sweating. But, I cannot let this opus pass without a few (snarky?) remarks.

    A 2013 study in the New England Journal of Medicine found that the average sexual encounter only lasted 6 minutes.
    – What is wrong with these people? I mean, we are not talking a quickie in the alley behind a saloon. 6 minutes? – that’s called a Slam Bam Thank You Ma’am. If you do it properly and sensually, just removing each other’s clothing will consume more than 6 minutes time. Especially if there are buttons involved.

    We found that over 98.69% of people had much more fun having sex than going to the gym
    – The other 1.31% are dead.

    (ducking to avoid a sweaty T-shirt being flung at my head)

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