This is Why There is No Excuse for Not Being On-Time!

Jan 2019

Anyone who has lived in Miami is familiar with the phrase “Miami time”. And for someone like me who is not only always on time but always early, hearing people talk about “Miami time” is like nails on a frickin’ chalkboard! What is “Miami time,” you ask? Well, it is a general acceptance by many who live here that nothing (meetings, events, arrivals to parties) ever starts on-time. The worst part is that some people use it as an excuse as to why they or others for not being on time. We will come back to an interesting “Miami time” story a little bit later, but first, let’s discuss the subject of today’s blog post which is the importance of being on time!

being on-time

Being on-time

Means different things in different cultures and different places, I get it. For example, some countries have a slower pace of life and meetings times are expected to be fuzzy. And if I was there, I would play by those rules – it is only being respectful of people and their culture.

However, in North America and many other countries

Being on-time is extremely important both in your personal life and in your professional life.

Not Being On-Time Says So Many Things…

Living in Miami for almost 20 years now and experiencing “Miami time”, if someone is habitually late, it tells you at least one of the following things about them – and in some case more than one:

It’s not that important

If whatever they are late to was in fact really important to them, they would be there on time or early.

They think they are better than you

If you think you are better than someone then they can wait for the great you. There are times when someone ‘big-times’ others trying to show power, this just makes me think they are self-important.


Someone who has a problem with being on time may be disorganized and out of control.

I’m a flake!

Which to me is second behind the self-important person.

Now that we have looked at what being late says to others, let’s look at a bunch of reasons for…

Why Being On-Time is Important

Some of which include:


It shows that you are reliable and can be depended on. Think about it, if someone is always late how can you count on them to come through in the clutch for something really important?


By being on time, you are showing the other person respect and that you respect their precious time.


It shows that you have at least some level of self-mastery and self-control to navigate your way to arrive on time.


Seeing as how I am always on time, I cannot relate to this one. But I have observed many people who are chronically late and it seems like it causes them to always be stressed out.


This is a big one for me. People who are on-time show me they have some integrity. It’s all about being a person of your word and keeping your commitments.

Relaxed and Prepared

I cannot tell you how many meetings I have been to where someone is late and fumbling through their stuff as they sit down. How can you expect to perform at your best? On the other hand, those who arrive early have time to gather their thoughts which helps them perform better.

Less commotion

Again, this is mostly related to meetings. Coming in late causes a big commotion and disturbs others.


Being on time is important in relationships. I have ended a few friendships and relationships with those who are chronically late. To me, for the reasons specified in the first section, it just wasn’t worth it.

Good impression

For those seeking employment this one is not negotiable, BE EARLY! I have canceled interviews for positions I was hiring for if the person was late. Can’t count on them.


In business situations, not being on-time can literally cost the company money. If you are waiting for someone who is 10 minutes late you can easily do the math to see how much it is costing. Time is money!

being on-time

Being On-Time Isn’t Rocket Science, But for Those Who Need Some Help…

Here are a few suggestions for how to be on-time

Be Aware of What On-Time Means Where You Are

We discussed country-specific definitions earlier and the onus is on you to know the rules of the game wherever you are.

An interesting example comes from the NFL where ex-New York Giants coach Tom Coughlin’s definition of being on time for meetings was being 5 minutes early. Said Coughlin, “Players ought to be there on time, period,” Coughlin said. “If they’re on time, they’re on time. Meetings start five minutes early.” 1 While many players were aggravated at his approach, I think he was just trying to teach them discipline and it worked, they won 2 Super Bowls under him.

Plan Ahead

Whether it is getting ready the night before, looking at traffic patterns or public transport schedules – be proactive and plan ahead. Don’t leave things until the last minute!

Flip Murphy the Bird!

We are all familiar with Murphy’s Law – “things will go wrong in any given situation if you give them a chance.”2 You can deal with Murphy by giving yourself some extra buffer time to get to wherever you need to go…just in case!

Arrive Early

Get there early and give yourself some time to relax and gather your thoughts. It’s also a good idea to bring something to occupy your time, i.e. a book, some work, your headphones to listen to your favorite podcast – whatever!

Make it a Priority

By making being on-time a priority you will take it more seriously and will make sure you arrive on time.

Get Your Butt Out the Door On-Time!

Figure out your estimated departure time and get your butt out the door at that time! Don’t waver and don’t make excuses.

Back to Miami Time…

So, I was teaching a university class a few years ago which involved the students turning in an assignment. Not only did I put the exact due date and time in the syllabus (I gave them until midnight on whatever date it was) but I also mentioned it in class several times. I even told them, “I guarantee you that somebody here will submit it after midnight and I will not accept it. Don’t be that person!”

As sure as the sun, some kid sent me his at 12:30 and I replied that I wouldn’t accept it. He replied something to the effect that ‘he was on Miami time”. I stuck to my guns and did not accept it to which he was not happy. I stuck to my guns for a couple of reasons. (A) not following through on a threat means no one will take you seriously in the future and (B) hopefully it would be a small price to pay for him to learn an important life lesson.

Fast forward a couple years and I ran into the same kid who had since graduated. I was surprised when he actually thanked me for the tough love I had given him a couple years prior.  He then asked if we could grab a coffee one day as he wanted my thoughts on something.

To which I replied with a smile, “it depends…are you going to be on Miami time?”

“Touché” he replied with a laugh, “Touché!”

Until next time, keep being on-time, boycott Miami time and as always…PYFMP!

being on-time

Use It or Lose It:

Some ways that you can use for being on-time include:

  Be aware of what on-time means where you are.
  Plan ahead.
  Flip Murphy the bird by giving yourself buffer time!
  Arrive early.
  Make it a priority.
  Get your butt out the door on-time.

When to Use It:

If you have a hard time being on-time.

What Do You Think?

Do you have a hard time being on-time? Are you frustrated when others aren’t on-time? Have you cut people out of your life who are chronically late? Please share your thoughts in the comments below!

 If you enjoyed this post, it would mean the world to us if you shared it with people you care about via any of the social media platforms below!

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6 Replies to “This is Why There is No Excuse for Not Being On-Time!”

  1. I agree ! I am always punctual for all time slotted meetings or activities. It is very annoying when people are late. I hope your non punctual friends don’t read the description of what being late says about them . Lol

    1. Thanks for reading and for the comment Eileen! I don’t have any non-punctual friends! 😉 Be good, Rick

  2. Great article Rick! Being British I’m a stickler for punctuality too, although have come to learn that in reality there’s no such thing as being on time – you’re either early or you’re late! Similarly, there’s no such thing as “meeting expectations”. You either exceed expectations or fall short.

    1. Hi Lee, Thanks for reading and commenting! You are exactly right, you are either early or late – great point! Wishing you and your family all the best in 2019! Best, Rick

  3. Agree with this essay 100%. I detest people who are late.

    A suggestion – set every clock in the house plus your watch 5 or 10 minutes earlier.

    1. Hi Dave, Thanks for the comment! Totally agree, drives me nuts. That’s a great suggestion. I set mine ahead 20 minutes, haha. Be good, Rick

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