You’re Welcome! How to Write a Thank You Note in 5 Steps

Jan 2019

At least to me, in this uber-connected world we live in, they seem to be a bit of a lost art. Nowadays, many people will thank others verbally or via text or perhaps email. I can’t say I was much better at using them either…that is until probably 10 years ago when I was the recipient of a thank you note from a mentor of mine. The fact that someone would actually be so appreciative that they would take the time to send me a handwritten thank you note really resonated with me.

Whether you receive a gift, spend a weekend at someone’s house or have someone do you a favor, it is good practice to send a thank you note afterward. If you aren’t sure how to write a thank you note, no worries, we have you covered with a simple 5 step process that you can follow.

how to write a thank you note

But first, it’s important to understand…

Why Thank You Notes Important

A well written and well thought out thank you note, like the one I received many years ago, says several things, it says that you:

  Hold the person in high regard and that you respect them.
  Have manners and are polite.
  Are appreciative and grateful.
  Follow through on things.
  Are a quality person.

A legitimate question you may be asking is…

“Ok, but when should I send a thank you note?

Good question! There are several circumstances where it may be appropriate to send a thank you note, which includes when someone:

  Gives you a gift.
  Does you a favor, something nice for you, or helps you in your personal or professional life.
  Interviews you for a job.
  Has provided you with some type of hospitality.

In order to make the most of your thank you note, there are 5 simple steps you can take for how to write a good thank you note.

5 Steps to Writing a Good Thank You Note

(1)  Start it with a greeting

Start by keeping it simple with a greeting, “Dear so and so,”

Depending on your relationship with the person you can either use their first name, their full name or something more formal like Mr./Mrs./Dr. – it’s your call.

(2)  Refer to the gift by its name

Never just say, “Thanks for the gift.” or “Thank you for the favor.”  You need to refer to the gift or the favor or whatever it is you are thanking them for by name.

Why? By being specific it shows you have given both the gift and the thank you note thought and are putting effort into it.

It is also good to say something nice in describing the gift such as “thank you for the lovely sweater.” or “thanks for taking one for the team and being such a good wing woman.”

There are a couple exceptions:

When someone gives you money it is best to say something like, “I’m extremely grateful for the generous gift.”


When someone gives you something intangible it is best to say something like “I really appreciate your hospitality last weekend.”

(3)  Let them know how you plan to use the gift

Another good practice is to let them know how their gift will be put to use.

For example, “I could not put down the book you bought me after I started reading it!”

And even if the Christmas sweater from your Aunt is hideous, find something nice and true to say about it. For example, “the Christmas sweater you got me will definitely make me stand out on Christmas Eve next year!”

(4)  Discuss the past and the future

Here you want to highlight your connection to the person you are thanking by referring to both the past and the future.

For example, “It was so nice to be able to share my birthday with you, I look forward to hanging out with you at the family reunion this summer!”

(5)  End it with a wrap-up

Lastly, wrap it up with a short and sweet statement followed by the sign-off.

Your short and sweet statement can be one or two sentences, such as “Thanks again for the thoughtful gift. I hope you see you soon!”

Then simply sign off using something like Yours truly/Best regards/etc. If appropriate you can use the word “love”

A Few Things to Keep in Mind

There are a few things to keep in mind when on how to write a thank you note:

How soon to send it?
I’ve seen some people say to send it out within a month and some say to send it out within 2 to 3 days. Personally, I do it sooner than later, so I don’t forget. I think a month would be the absolute maximum otherwise they may forget about it. For weddings, the rule is to send thank you cards for gifts 2 weeks after the wedding.

Written or Typed?
By hand, always write it by hand, don’t type it! You want it to have a personal touch.

Have some stationary on hand so you don’t delay the thank you. You can always use a postcard or neutral colored stationary. Some people have a card with their initials on top.

Keep it Simple
Always keep the language simple and easy to read, they shouldn’t need to pick up a dictionary to look up a word you use!

Make sure you spell their name right! Also check it for spelling, grammar, and punctuation.

how to write a thank you note

On That ‘Note’, Before We Go…

Dear Esteemed Prime Your Pump Reader,

As we come up on the one-year anniversary of this blog we would like to simply say thank you.  Thank you for reading, liking, commenting and sharing and thank you for your ongoing feedback!

We have been incorporating your feedback and great suggestions as they come in to keep making this blog the best it can be in our quest for never-ending improvement.

It has been nice getting to know, meet and exchange ideas on self-improvement with so many new people. We look forward to interacting and growing with you in the days, weeks, months and years to come!

Thanks again for reading and for sharing some of your life with us, we are deeply grateful. We hope you enjoyed today’s post on how to write a thank you note.

Until next time, as always and on behalf of Howie and Bri…Prime Your Pump!

Best regards,

how to write a thank you note

Use It or Lose It – How to Write a Thank You Note

The 5 steps for how to write a thank you note are:

(1) Start it with a greeting.
(2)  Refer to the gift by its name.
(3) Let them know how you plan to use the gift.
(4) Discuss the past and the future.
(5) End it with a wrap-up.

When to Use It:

Use it when someone:

  Gives you a gift.
  Does you a favor, something nice for you, or helps you in your personal or professional life.
  Interviews you for a job.
  Has provided you with some type of hospitality.

What Do You Think?

Are you a big proponent of thank you notes? Do you have any other suggestions for how to write a thank you note in addition to ours? Please share your thoughts in the comments below!

 If you enjoyed this post, it would mean the world to us if you shared it with people you care about via any of the social media platforms below!

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6 Replies to “You’re Welcome! How to Write a Thank You Note in 5 Steps”

  1. Agreed. Thank you notes show genuine gratitude. Keep up the good work in researching and sharing information on such a variety of interesting topics.

  2. Excellent article with many useful ideas for future thank you notes.
    We forget to take the time to write about our feelings to others
    Thanks for all your great articles and keep up your great work

    1. Hi Jack, thanks for the kind words and the comment. It’s very true we often times forget to thank others. Be good, Rick

  3. Dear Rick, Bri and Howie

    Thanks so much for your entertaining and practical life-style tips, hints, and suggestions. I read your messages each day while having breakfast. You have provided many valuable ideas on self-improvement, some of which were new to us, while others we have used for many years. Here’s hoping the ideas continue to flow from your brains down to your fingertips on the keyboard for many more years.

    With best wishes for future success,
    (a satisfied reader)
    A suggestion if I may, something I taught my daughter who is notoriously slow on writing thank you notes. Have a set of pre-written general notes in a file. The select one and fill in the blanks with the gift, occasion, situation, gesture, or hospitality. That way you do not start with a blank screen, and can add the appropriate details. Much better than not replying at all.

    I have a great thank you note story to tell, but will save that for a future session.

    1. Hi Dave, thanks for the great note! We truly appreciate your always wise, insightful and witty comments. The pre-written notes are an excellent idea! Love it. By the way, we started using your sign ideas in the last few videos, so thanks again for sharing! Take care, Rick

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