Using ‘Get Me the Details’ Instead of Saying No!
This week’s advice video is called “Using ‘Get Me the Details’ Instead of Saying No!”
So, when someone asks you to do something, instead of saying no without having all the information or instead of saying yes and not having all the information, you simply say ‘get me the details’.
The rule I have learned after using this for years and years and years is that for every 100 times someone asks you for something or asks you to do something and you tell them to get you the details, 90 of the times it goes away because they don’t get you the details. Out of the remaining 10 times, someone else will say no first nine times, meaning that only 1 time do you have to evaluate the details and then either say yes or no.
Use It or Lose It!
To use the ‘Get Me the Details’ concept in your life:
When someone asks you for something that you either aren’t sure about or don’t want to be the bad guy by saying no, simply say ‘get me the details’.
Most times they won’t get you the details and it falls apart, so you don’t have to say no
Other times, someone else will say no before you do, so you don’t have to
Rarely they will get you the details, then if it makes sense you can say yes, otherwise say no
When to Use It Get Me the Details Instead of Saying No
Whenever you don’t have enough information to make a fair decision
Whenever you don’t want to say no and be the bad guy/girl
Whenever you don’t want to say yes just because you don’t feel like saying no
Whenever you don’t want to say yes because you aren’t sure
Have you ever used ‘get me the details’, what was the story?
That’s the piece of advice for this week!
Until next time remember…Prime Your Pump!
– Howie
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P.P.S. Have you read Rick’s post about ‘moron proofing’ yet? If not, click here,
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