Witty Quotes: 13 to Make You Smile, Laugh, and Ponder Life

Feb 2019

One of the Christmas gifts I received this year has turned me into a bit of a monster! When I say “monster”, you are probably thinking something big and scary. I’m sorry to disappoint you but it’s turned me more into a nerdy monster. You see, the gift I received was a yearly subscription to scribd.com which is kind of like the Netflix for nerds. It allows you to read as many books, audiobooks, magazines, and articles as you want, and they have most books. So, after a few weeks, I am already hooked.  The reason I tell you this is because one of the books I read is called: The 2,548 Wittiest Things Anybody Has Ever Said by Robert Byrne. It contains a selection of witty quotes gathered from both famous and unknown people that are sure to put a smile on your face while also making you think.

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One of the beliefs that all of us here at Prime Your Pump have is that you need to take time every day to smile and laugh. And another of our beliefs is that it is important to take time every day to think and contemplate life.

So, on that note, today we are going to share some quotes that will hopefully make you smile, laugh and contemplate life. However, instead of providing serious quotes, the quotes we are going to share today are of the witty quote variety thanks to Robert Byrne…

As always, I will provide my interpretation of the quotes and invite you to add yours as well as any other thoughts in the comments below!

Ok dudes and dudettes, are you ready? Let’s go!

(1)  “The man who never makes mistakes gets tired of doing nothing” (Will Rogers 1879-1935)

Rogers is saying that the only way you can avoid making mistakes is to not try anything.

Make it actionable: Take action. When you try things, you are going to make mistakes, but you are also going to learn and improve.

(2)  “Masquerading as a normal person day after day is exhausting” (Unknown)

Many people walk around trying to fit into some type of stereotype of what is ‘normal’ which is tiring.

Make it actionable: What is normal? Be yourself, anything else is, at least in my opinion, not being normal.

(3)  “Where facts are few, experts are many” (Donald R. Gannon)

Without any facts or data to back up what you are saying you are just another person with an opinion.

Make it actionable: Watch Howie’s recent video on the 3 types of power. Use data, facts, and knowledge you have acquired to back up what you are saying and give yourself credibility.

(4)  “We have only one person to blame, and that’s each other.” (Barry Back)

Instead of looking in the mirror, many of us take the easy way out by blaming someone else.

Make it actionable: Remember when you point the finger at someone else three are pointing back at you! Take extreme ownership when something happens by taking responsibility for your problems and solving them instead of blaming others.

(5)  “Nothing is ever accomplished by a reasonable man.” (George Bernard Shaw)

I think in this quote Shaw is trying to say that to accomplish great things you need to be different and do things differently than the average person does.

Make it actionable: Step outside of your comfort zone and think differently. When you see everyone going in one direction, explore the other direction.

(6)  “A stale mind is the devil’s bread box.” (Mary Bly)

When our mind is idle it can turn to evil or unproductive thoughts.

Make it actionable: Stay active and engaged. Read, take up hobbies, spend time with friends.

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(7)  “We forfeit three-fourths of ourselves to be like other people.” (Arthur Schopenhauer)

Many people waste too much time trying to be like others.

Make it actionable: Stop comparing yourself to others and trying to be like them. Just be yourself.

(8)  “An expert is a person who has made all the mistakes that can be made in a very narrow field.” (Niels Bohr)

I have always detested the word ‘expert’, it seems a bit pompous to me. I think this quote can be interpreted in a couple ways: (1) it is impossible to know everything, (2) to learn as much as you can about anything you need to make mistakes, that is how you learn.

Make it actionable: With those 2 points in mind, never stop in your quest for knowledge on whatever subject you are studying and realize you will make mistakes along the way.

(9)  “The sad truth is that excellence makes people nervous.” (Shana Alexander)

There are people get insecure and intimidated by those who are seen as successful.

Make it actionable: We are all human and we all start somewhere. Instead of being insecure or intimidated around those who are successful, see what you can learn from them.

(10)  “The underdog is in a good place to bite.” (John Irving)

Those who have not yet achieved greatness or success can be hungrier.

Make it actionable: If people don’t think you can do something, relish it and use it as motivation to fuel your hunger for success. Many people have become successful by having a chip on their shoulder.

(11)  “If it weren’t for erroneous conclusions, people would never reach any.” (Richard Russo)

Many people are thwarted by analysis paralysis, meaning they are afraid to make a decision or take action.

Make it actionable: Make a plan and then execute, sometimes you need to learn as you go.

(12) “A person’s eyes reveal everything. They are the bicycle shorts of the soul.” (Daniel Liebert)

Many times, you can figure out what someone is thinking or how they are feeling just by looking at their eyes.

Make it actionable:  Get good at reading people’s eyes and understanding eye contact communication – it can be a communications game-changer for you.

The last one is one I have a bit of a bone to pick with…

(13) “Intelligent statements never begin with the word “Dude” (Demetri Martin)

Clearly, Mr. Martin and I disagree here!

Make it actionable: You are on your own on this one! 😉

So, dudes and dudettes, what did you think of these witty quotes? Please share your thoughts in the comments below!

It’s time for this nerdy ‘dude’ to continue with my reading obsession.

Until next time, keep enjoying those witty quotes and as always…PYMFP!

witty quotes

Use It or Lose It

Dude! These witty quotes are pretty self-explanatory and I already went through how to make them actionable.

When to Use These Witty Quotes…

Use these witty quotes whenever you want to smile, laugh or contemplate life.

What Do You Think of These Witty Quotes?

And do you have any other witty quotes you would like to share? Please do so in the comments below!

If you enjoyed this post, it would mean the world to us if you shared it with people you care about via any of the social media platforms below!

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The 2,548 Wittiest Things Anybody Has Ever Said by Robert Byrne

4 Replies to “Witty Quotes: 13 to Make You Smile, Laugh, and Ponder Life”

  1. Wow! We both laughed our asses off. Using humor to teach or express an opinion drives the point home in a way that does not offend anyone.

    Of course, I have my own two favorite quotes. One I originated, the other comes from a very distant relative. Allow me to elaborate, elucidate, and educate….
    “When an opportunity presents itself, don’t flip it the finger.”
    —— Dave Savadge, circa 1980
    “I reject your reality and substitute my own”
    —— Adam Savage, co-host of Mythbusters, circa 2006

    Either would look great on a T-shirt. Or the white board.

    1. Hi Dave, thanks as always, love both of your quotes. We may need to ‘borrow’ them for Howie’s video, love ’em! Have an awesome weekend! Rick

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