101 Life Principles We All Know, But Keep Forgetting

Jul 2019

I recently read an interesting book on my Scribd subscription called, 101 Really Important Things You Already Know But Keep Forgetting, by Ernie Zelinski.  The book is a grab-bag of essays, each roughly 2 pages long with sometimes basic and sometimes profound life principles. It is a collection of life principles that as the back cover says “virtually all of us have already learned but – for some mysterious reason – keep forgetting.”

It is the kind of book that you can pick up, read a couple of essays and then put down. But I have to be honest, every time I picked it up and saw the beginning of the title, 101…, I could not help but think of the Disney Classic, 101 Dalmatians.

Speaking of 101 Dalmatians, did you know that in the 1996 movie that to get the dogs to lick the humans, they had steak juice daubed on their skin? 2 Lovely, huh?

Ok, I digress and apologize for letting the fact that the 101 Dalmatians are in my head distract from the real purpose of this blog post. Remember how I said that some of the life principles that Zelinski are basic and some are profound? Today, I am going to cover 7 of the ones I found most profound and if you enjoy them you may want to check out the book to read about the other 94.

7 of My Favorite Life Principles from 101 Really Important Things You Already Know But Keep Forgetting

(1)  Life is Tough – But Then Again Compared to What?

We all go through stuff, eventually the good becomes bad and the bad becomes good – that’s just how life is. As Zelinski says: “Life can be relatively difficult, or it can be relatively easy. Our material environment has nothing to do with how difficult it is. What matters is how we react to our environment.” 1

(2)  Slow Down in Your Pursuit of Happiness and It’s More Likely to Catch Up with You

The next time you catch yourself saying, “I can’t wait until the weekend”, or “thank God it’s Friday”, stop and think about this…time goes by fast enough without hoping it speeds by even faster. Time is our most precious resource and there are people no longer with us that wish they had the time that we are hoping passes by quickly. Enjoy every moment!!!

life principles

(3)  If You Don’t Want to Accomplish Something Important, Any Excuse Will Do

We have all made excuses in our lives at one time or another. I love how Zelinski summarizes the essence of excuses: “Excuses are convenient, but as always, there is a dark side to anything convenient. Individuals who are not able to get rid of excuses find it virtually impossible to succeed in the long term. On the flip side, people who don’t use excuses succeed at a lot more things than they think they can – and end up making a tremendous difference in this world.” 1

(4)  One True Friend is Worth More than 10,000 Superficial Ones

When I was young my Dad told me that if you have 10 good friends in life, you are lucky. What most people call ‘friends’, I call acquaintances. To me, friends are those select few people who you can call at 3 am who will come get you out of whatever pickle you have gotten yourself into and vice versa. As Zelinski says: “All things considered, true friends add to your happiness and seldom, if ever, subtract to it.” 1

(5)  If You Can Be Happy Only with Others – and Not Alone – You are Not a Very Happy Person

This one is about the importance and enjoyment of solitude. I loved how Zelinski advised us to: “…don’t enjoy solitude only when it is forced upon you; seek it when it isn’t. You will learn to love yourself while getting to know yourself better. When you learn to enjoy your own company, you will discover the paradise you have been looking for and all the happiness you will ever need.” 1

(6)  You Don’t Have to Watch One Minute of TV to Be Happy – and Perhaps You Shouldn’t

A little bit of TV is ok now and then. But if you are one of those unfulilled individuals who spend every minute watching TV and then wondering why you are unfulfilled…you may want to stop watching so much TV. Get out and engage with real people, exercise, read a book, go to the gym, start a blog!

(7)  Opportunity Knocks Often – How Often Are You Home?

As Zelinski says: “If you really look, there are a hundred interesting and exciting opportunities around you at this moment. And the future will continue to bring ones. And when they do? Be ready!” 1

As a wise Prime Your Pump reader named Dave S. always says: “When an opportunity presents itself, don’t flip it the finger.”

On that note, I am about to give those 101 Dalmatians the finger as I cannot get them out of my head.

Ok, I’m teasing, I love dogs…

Before We Go…

Since I still cannot get them out of my head, here’s another funny story from the shooting of the 1996 movie, 101 Dalmatians:

“(Actor) Jeff Daniels (Roger) says that on more than one occasion, he heard an authoritative voice on the dog-strewn set shout “Sit!” and immediately plopped himself into a chair only to be told, “Not you, Jeff.” 2

In case you were wondering about the fact that I can’t get 101 Dalmatians out of my head, you may want to check out my recent post on the 7 Sins of Memory. It turns out that one of the 7 sins is called the sin of persistence. This is when we keep remembering some type of information or event that we wish we could forget!

Well, I suppose it could be worse, a couple of weeks ago I couldn’t get that awful “I’m Too Sexy” song by Right Said Fred out of my head.

I have issues, I know…

Hope you enjoyed these life principles and my quirkiness, and as always…PYMFP!

P.S. Wanna know more? Check out the entire book.

life principles

Use it or Lose It

7 of my favorite principles from 101 Really Important Things You Already Know But Keep Forgetting are:

(1)  Life is Tough – But Then Again Compared to What?
(2)  Slow Down in Your Pursuit of Happiness and It’s More Likely to Catch Up with You.
(3)  If You Don’t Want to Accomplish Something Important, Any Excuse Will Do.
(4)  One True Friend is Worth More than 10,000 Superficial Ones.
(5)  If You Can Be Happy Only with Others – and Not Alone – You are Not a Very Happy Person.
(6)  You Don’t Have to Watch One Minute of TV to Be Happy – and Perhaps You Shouldn’t.
(7)  Opportunity Knocks Often – How Often Are You Home?

When to Use It

Use these life principles whenever appropriate in your life.

What Do You Think?

What did you think of these 7 life principles? Are there any of the life principles above that you like more than others? Please share your thoughts in the comments below!

If you enjoyed this post, it would mean the world to us if you shared it with people you care about via any of the social media platforms below!

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1 101 Really Important Things You Already Know But Keep Forgetting by Ernie J. Zelinski

2 https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0115433/trivia

4 Replies to “101 Life Principles We All Know, But Keep Forgetting”

    1. Hi Eileen, Yeah definitely a good and thought-provoking read, and repetition is the key to adult learning! Thanks! Rick

  1. In the early 1970’s movie Willard, the rats attacked because the actor had been previously covered with peanut butter off screen. Food sure is a good motivator. Director: “Release the Rodents!”

    In my best Yoda-speak: “Very true these 7 principles are”. And as you have correctly surmised, I personally favor #7. Never in a million years would I have expected to be a quoted source on the PYP chat board. Life never ceases to amaze! And keep being quirky – people will wonder what you are really up to, and its best to keep them guessing.

    1. Hi Dave, Hahaha – interesting, never heard about that one but yes food is a good motivator for man and beast alike! Your quote is a great one and we were happy to include it! Yeah I will definitely keep being quirky, being the same as everyone else is no fun! Be good and careful, Rick

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