I’ve been wanting to write a blog post on happiness and how to be happier for a while now. During my research, I came across a study out of Harvard on how to be happier that has been going on for over 80 years!
I was driving the other day and heard a story on the news that made me shake my head. According to a criminal complaint filed in Tampa, Florida, some guy is in a bit of trouble after he received a $980,000 tax refund based on a false tax return that he submitted.
It really is amazing how traveling can change your perspective on certain things. One of the most memorable trips I have taken was back in 2011 when I visited Rome, Italy with a good friend.
Sadly, it seems like every other day you hear about ex-athletes going broke not long after retiring from their respective sport. The reasons are many – spending lavishly on homes, cars, and jewelry, as well as helping out family members and friends.
How can you manage anyone else if you aren’t good at managing yourself? As management guru Peter Drucker says in his famous Harvard Business Review article Managing Oneself, “History’s great achievers—a Napoleon, a da Vinci, a Mozart—have always managed themselves. That, in large measure, is what makes them great achievers.”