This week’s video is about how to be a leader. The aim of a leader should be to help any group of people efficiently and effectively get where they want to be.
When was the last time you did something simply for the sheer joy of doing it? And, let’s leave sex out of it for the time being! How did it make you feel? What kind of state were you in?
I’ve done a lot of thinking recently about the concept of being present, or simply living in the moment and not thinking about the past or the future. And I must admit that like many of you, I sometimes struggle with being present. However, I am taking steps to get better at being present.
I wonder what readers of Prime Your Pump would think if I wrote a blog post on how to journal? Would they find it useful? Do some of them practice journaling already? I’m sure some of them do journal, but I wonder how many of them use the Morning Pages method which was first introduced
I must admit, whenever I hear someone complaining about or showing the symptoms of this common ‘disease’, I cringe – and I’m not even a doctor! However, before I judge them, I always catch myself because I too used to suffer from the destructive and debilitating effects of ‘busy-itis’