The first time he did it he got me, as it was the last thing I was expecting. From then on I was prepared whenever I saw him. You are probably wondering what the hell I am talking about! Just a handshake.
True story. I was at a previous job, and me and a co-worker whom I had just hired, let’s just call her ‘Dee’ to protect her identity, were about to step into a meeting. It was a big day in ‘Dee’s’ career as it was her first ‘big meeting’ with one of our executives.
Have you ever been to a meeting where the lack of meeting etiquette makes you feel like you are stuck in the dark ages? Sometimes I feel like all the progress that has been made in terms of meeting etiquette is for naught when I look over and see people behaving like cavemen and cavewomen
Yesterday was such a long and hectic day that you were out like a light as soon as your head hit the pillow! Not long after you fell asleep, you started having the most incredible dream – NO not THAT kind of dream! Instead, your dream had you waking up super early the next day.
Ok reader, it’s time for you and me to have a conversation about conversation skills. We all know people who have really great conversation skills, and we all know people who have crappy conversation skills. I have uncovered some really interesting conversation skills do’s and don’ts that I would like to share with you.