Given the hustle and bustle of our increasingly hectic and busy lives, there is one thing many of us struggle with and that is…our energy levels. The question is – is there anything we can do to increase our energy levels? The answer, backed up by a lot of research, is…YES!
I wasn’t quite late yet, but if it took me much longer to find it, there was a chance it would cause me to be late. I knew my watch was around here somewhere. Then after about 5 minutes of looking for it, I finally found it.
They are something that we take often – that is if we are lucky. In fact, we take them on average 16 times per minute, 960 times per hour, 23,040 times per day, and 8,409,600 per year – meaning that if we live to the ripe young age of 75 we will have taken them
I was doing some late-night writing at Starbucks the other night when I noticed the workers getting ready to close. Not only was it my signal to get my ass outta there it was also the inspiration for today’s blog post.
Today’s post is going to combine two things most people value highly in their lives – their body and their sex life. Yes, we are going to discuss whether you can get a great workout by having sex. Oops, wrong post, I got confused. This post is about your body and time management.