I must admit, whenever I hear someone complaining about or showing the symptoms of this common ‘disease’, I cringe – and I’m not even a doctor! However, before I judge them, I always catch myself because I too used to suffer from the destructive and debilitating effects of ‘busy-itis’
W. Edwards Deming was an American statistician and an educator. But more than that he is known as one of the most pre-eminent management gurus in modern history, famous for amongst other things – Deming’s 14 points which we will get to in a minute.
I had just got off the elevator at my condo the other day when I ran into Oswaldo, an older gentleman who lives in my building. Oswaldo is a super nice guy and we chit chat whenever I see him. He seemed a bit upset this day and started venting to me.
Today’s post has to do with a little secret I am going to share with you on how to figure out how to do or accomplish almost anything. Not only that but how to do it faster, better and with less time on your part. All you need to do is understand 2 simple concepts
This week’s video will discuss how you can resolve group conflicts. Guidelines for Reacting to Group Conflicts Many times group conflicts come from the behavior of one or more members of the group.