Emoji meanings

Welcome to Lesson #2 of our short 4-part blog post series that introduces Baby Boomers (and some Gen Xers) to the ins and outs of cell phone communications.  Today’s lesson focuses on emoji meanings. Hopefully, you have been practicing the texting do’s and don’ts and abbreviations you learned in Lesson #1 – Texting 101. 

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preventing misunderstandings

Today’s advice column involves Rick helping his friend Mike with a hilarious dating predicament he finds himself in that stems from a totally preventable misunderstanding. How many times have you meant something and someone thought you meant something else? 

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active listening

Today’s advice column will revolve around ‘active listening’ and how to be a better listener. You will be introduced to a quirky old farmer named Ted McDonald aka Rhymin’ Ted who literally speaks only in rhymes. Rhymin’ Ted reaches out to Rick for advice as he is experiencing some marital issues. On to the story…

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