This is How to Follow Up to Stand Out From the Crowd

Jul 2019

How many times have you been standing face to face with someone you have met before, but you cannot remember their name? There is no doubt it has happened to all of us. Well, it only stands to reason that if we have trouble remembering people’s names sometimes, then there may be people who forget our names as well.

We Live in a Fast-Paced World

And it is one that is constantly bombarding us with information from every direction. As Keith Ferrazzi says in Never Eat Alone:

“Our inboxes are a constant procession of new and old names demanding our attention. Our brains are in constant overdrive trying to keep track of all the bits and bytes and names that cross our desk each and every day. It’s natural that to stay sane, we must forget or ignore most of the data clamoring for a sliver of real estate in our already overcrowded noggins…In such a world, it’s incomprehensible that only a small percentage of us decide to follow up once we’ve met someone new.” 1

how to follow up

Which is the topic of today’s post – how to follow up with people so they don’t forget you or your name!

And no one is exempt from knowing how to follow up, well, except maybe Brad Pitt or others who are also afflicted with prosopagnosia – more on that in a bit.

Are You Someone Who Wants to Stand Out from the Crowd?

According to Ferrazzi:

“Then you’ll be miles ahead by following up better and smarter than the hordes scrambling for the person’s attention. The fact is, most people don’t follow up very well, if at all. Good follow-up alone elevates you above 95 percent of your peers. The follow-up is the hammer and nails of your networking tool kit.” 1

Simply stated – knowing how to follow up is one of the keys to success in any field!

As soon as you have met someone, one of the most important things you need to do is begin the process that ensures that they have retained your name. (and the great impression you have made, you charmer you!)

What’s the Point of Going to All the Trouble of Meeting People if You Don’t Follow Up?

It’s amazing that in such a competitive world that only a small few of us follow up upon meeting someone new.

A couple of weeks ago, I met a recent college grad, Nathan, whom I offered to connect with someone who could help him land a job. Within 24 hours, I was surprised that the young man texted me to thank me and followed up the next day emailing me his resume. It’s kind of sad that I was surprised, but it just shows how rare it is that when people do follow up, we are surprised. I’ve had many similar conversations with others and most times people do not follow up.

By knowing how to follow up, Nathan now has the opportunity to meet someone who will be able to help him advance his career, good for him.

On that note, let’s now look at 10 tips for how to follow up, I’m not sure if Nathan read Never Eat Alone but he followed many of the tips that we share below.

10 Tips for How to Follow Up

Depending on your situation, you may want to use some or all of these tips for how to follow up after meeting someone new.

(1)  Make sure to follow up within 24 hours

As the old saying goes “Out of sight, out of mind”. Timeliness is key and you don’t want to let too much time pass before following up with the person. Ferrazzi recommends giving yourself between 12 and 24 hours after you meet someone to follow up.

(2)  Mention something that was said or an item of shared interest

A great way for them to remember you is to casually mention something that was discussed in your conversation with them. It not only serves as a mental reminder to who you are, but it shows you were listening to them. Furthermore, it shows that you were paying attention and were interested in what they had to say.

(3)  Get the follow up in writing

Ferrazzi suggests that “When the other person has agreed to do something, whether it’s meeting for coffee next time you’re in town or signing a major deal, try to get it in writing.” 1  It doesn’t need to be ironclad or formulaic, just something simple like “It was great chatting yesterday, I’d love to take you up on your lunch offer, what’s your availability the week of <insert week>?”  When people put stuff in writing they are much more likely to follow through.

(4)  Figure out what you can do for them

Another great point Ferrazzi makes is that it’s not about you, it’s about them and figuring out what you can do for them. As he says: “But remember—and this is critical—don’t remind them of what they can do for you but focus on what you might be able to do for them. It’s about giving them a reason to want to follow up.” 1

(5)  Send them stuff

Another great idea for how to follow up is to send them something that you know they would be appreciative of. When people do this kind of stuff for me it makes a big impression. For example, Nathan sent me an interesting article that I much appreciated. Doing this type of thing shows they are thinking about you and not only focused on themselves.

(6)  Use the method that works for you

These days most people follow up via email, text or LinkedIn – and that is completely fine. But if you really want to stand out, try going old school by sending a hand-written note. You can thank them for whatever they have done and perhaps mention anything you failed to mention in your previous encounter. You can also reiterate your desire to meet again and offer to help them out. It is also imperative to be brief and to the point, no one wants to read a novel.

(7)  Be grateful

It is always a good idea to express your gratitude towards them.

(8)  Reaffirm commitments

If any commitments were made, either way, it is a good idea to reaffirm them.

(9)  Follow up with the connector

If there was someone who connected the two of you it is also good practice to follow up with them. This can take the form of both thanking them and letting them know how things are going if appropriate.

(10) Make it a habit!

Lastly, now that you know how to follow up, make it a habit so you are part of the 5% who follow up after meeting someone new!

how to follow up

As for Brad Pitt…

And why he is off the hook and exempt from knowing how to follow up.

Perhaps you think it is because he is handsome and famous and therefore too good to follow up. While that may make sense to some, it is not the reason.

According to a 2013 article in Esquire:

“Pitt told interviewer Tom Junod that he has a real problem remembering faces. Shortly after meeting someone, their face disappears from his memory, and if he meets them again, it’s like it’s the first time. He used to try to fake that he remembered people, but that only pissed them off. He tried asking from where he knew them, and that seemed to make them even more insulted:

 “You get this thing, like, ‘You’re being egotistical. You’re being conceited.”

 Although he hasn’t been tested for it, Pitt is convinced that he has a neurologic disorder called prosopagnosia, sometimes called face blindness. 2

Other well-known people who are said to suffer from the affliction include Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak and recently deceased neurologist and author, Dr. Oliver Sacks. In a 2011 interview with CNN’s Sanjay Gupta, Sacks said that occasionally he had trouble recognizing his own face.

There’s no doubt it sucks that Pitt has this condition and I have no idea if he occasionally has trouble recognizing his own face.

But if he can’t, I suppose it’s good for his ego as I can imagine his reaction every time, he looks in the mirror…

”Damn I’m a good-looking dude!”

Until next time, keep following up and as always…PYMFP!

P.S. Wanna know more? Check out the entire book.

Use it or Lose It

10 tips that we discussed above for how to follow up after you meet someone new are:

(1)  Make sure to follow up within 24 hours.
(2)  Mention something that was said or an item of shared interest.
(3)  Get the follow up in writing.
(4)  Figure out what you can do for them.
(5)  Send them stuff.
(6)  Use the method that works for you.
(7)  Be grateful.
(8)  Reaffirm commitments.
(9)  Follow up with the connector
(10)  Make it a habit!

When to Use It

Use these tips for how to follow up after meeting someone new.

What Do You Think?

What do you think of these tips for how to follow up? Do you have any other suggestions? Please share your thoughts in the comments below!

If you enjoyed this post, it would mean the world to us if you shared it with people you care about via any of the social media platforms below!

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1 Never Eat Alone by Keith Ferrazzi



4 Replies to “This is How to Follow Up to Stand Out From the Crowd”

  1. People are really impressed when you remember their name. It makes them feel important. When I run into previous students they often ask if I know their name. I mentally do the alphabet game for assistance. They don’t realize that I have worked with hundreds of kids. I don’t forget a face but I must admit I often forget a name. Thanks Rick

    1. Hi Eileen, There is no doubt about that! As Dale Carnegie said, and I am paraphrasing it, “To a person, their name is the sweetest sound they can hear’. Take care and thanks! Rick

  2. My problem is remembering names, not faces. That’s why I totally love having name tags at conventions and symposiums. Remember my infamous SF library incident? Only after much delayed mental aggravation was I able to put a name to the librarian’s face. I really do not want to say “I recognize your face, but who are you?” Really embarrassing.

    Follow ups are usually via email or a chat board. In today’s environment, few people give out their home mailing address. I maintain a PO box for such instances. Three of the chat boards I that I frequent have their own internal messaging system so you do not have to email, just sent a private message via the board. Probably the only way I’m keeping up with the changing times.

    1. Hi Dave, More great examples, yeah following up has definitely changed with the way technology is leveraged these days. Thanks and take care! Rick

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